Words with Friends Score Calculator



Bingo: + 35 points for 7 letters.

info: If you need to count the word with blanks, just do not enter them. Also, the order of letters does not affect the result.

Words that contain AID

aida5 aide5 aids5 caid7 gaid6 kaid9 laid5 maid7 paid7 qaid14 raid5 said5 waid8 vaid8 aidas6 aided7 aider6 aides6 aidoi6 aidos6 apaid8 braid8 caids8 gaids7 kaids10 laids6 maids8 plaid8 qaids15 raids6 saids6 slaid6 staid6 waide9 zaida15 zaidy18 zaide15 laide6 vaids9 abraid9 afraid10 aidant7 aiders7 aidful10 aiding8 aidman9 aidmen9 appaid11 baidar9 braide9 braids9 daidle8 haiduk14 inlaid7 laided8 laidly10 maidan9 maided10 maiden9 navaid10 paidle9 plaids9 raided8 raider7 relaid7 repaid9 resaid7 saidst7 slaids7 spraid9 unlaid7 unpaid9 unsaid7 uplaid9 zaidas16 zaideh19 danaid8 vaidya13 abraids10 aidance10 aidants8 aidless8 alcaide10 baidars10 bandaid11 barmaid12 braided11 braider10 daidled10 daidles9 embraid12 forsaid11 haiduks15 knaidel12 laiding9 maidans10 maidens10 maiding11 maidish13 maidism12 mermaid12 Show more ...

Letter Values

The number at each letter is indicated the points of the letter.
The score of blanks is zero.
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