T Scrabble Letter Values

The letter T has 1 point and 6 tiles in the Scrabble game.

OTCWL2014 (USA, Canada and Thailand)
CSW15 (English in most countries)

An example of words containing the letter T:

Top 2 Letter words with T
at2 et2 it2 st2 ta2 te2 ti2 to2 ut2

Top 3 Letter words with T
zit12 qat12 tiz12 taj10 jot10 jet10 jut10 tix10 tux10 tex10 tax10 thy9 pht8 twp8 kat7 tak7 tsk7 tyg7 kit7 ket7

Top 4 Letter words with T
tuzz22 tizz22 yutz16 futz16 putz15 xyst14 vext14 fixt14 ditz14 zoot13 zits13 ziti13 zite13 zeta13 zest13 zati13 tzar13 trez13 toze13 sitz13

Top 5 Letter words with T
tizzy26 zizit23 tazze23 tazza23 izzat23 towzy20 zakat18 klutz18 ditzy18 zooty17 zloty17 zesty17 wootz17 waltz17 towze17 touzy17 ritzy17 quyte17 quoth17 hertz17

Top 6 Letter words with T
zizith27 tzetze24 tuzzes24 tizzes24 tazzas24 quartz24 izzats24 zythum23 klutzy22 shvitz21 qwerty21 kibitz21 howzit21 howzat21 zymite20 zibeth20 tzadik20 quitch20 quetch20 qubyte20

Top 7 Letter words with T
buzzcut29 twizzle28 quartzy28 tzaddiq27 mezuzot27 mezquit27 bezzant27 zootaxy26 tzitzit25 tzitzis25 tzetzes25 tizzies25 rizzart25 quetzal25 azotize25 altezza25 zythums24 zlotych24 schvitz24 mythize24

Top 8 Letter words with T
kazatzka34 jazziest33 mezuzoth31 tzatziki30 twizzled30 buzzcuts30 buzzbait30 tzitzith29 twizzles29 fuzztone29 fuzziest29 fizziest29 tzaddiqs28 spetznaz28 razmataz28 muzziest28 mozzette28 mozzetta28 mezquits28 mezquite28

Top 9 Letter words with T
quazziest36 kazatzkas35 whizziest33 zanthoxyl31 tzatzikis31 tzaddiqim31 twizzling31 pizzicato31 pizzicati31 buzzbaits31 zygophyte30 fuzztones30 frizziest30 frizzante30 xanthoxyl29 scuzziest29 rhythmize29 mozzettas29 mizzonite29 mizzliest29

Top 10 Letter words with T
razzmatazz48 schizziest33 zanthoxyls32 puzzlement32 pizzicatos32 mizzenmast32 bathmizvah32 zygophytes31 rhythmized31 kibbutznik31 frizzliest31 dazzlement31 zygomycete30 xanthoxyls30 spetznazes30 rhythmizes30 razmatazes30 quizmaster30 quartzitic30 outdazzled30

Top 11 Letter words with T
razzamatazz49 zanthoxylum35 objectivize34 stalkerazzo33 stalkerazzi33 schizophyte33 puzzlements33 mizzenmasts33 bathmizvahs33 bathmitzvah33 zymotechnic32 zigzaggiest32 rhythmizing32 mezzotinted32 kibbutzniks32 hexametrize32 dazzlements32 citizenized32 zygomycetes31 sympathized31

Top 12 Letter words with T
razzmatazzes50 quizzicality44 showbizziest38 zanthoxylums36 schizothymic36 schizophytic36 objectivized36 katzenjammer36 embezzlement36 subjectivize35 objectivizes35 bedazzlement35 schizothymia34 schizophytes34 photooxidize34 hexametrized34 bathmitzvahs34 zymotechnics33 zygodactylic33 zoophytology33

Top 13 Letter words with T
razzamatazzes51 subjectivized37 objectivizing37 katzenjammers37 embezzlements37 tachyphylaxis36 tachyphylaxes36 subjectivizes36 squeezability36 schizomycetic36 photooxidized36 bedazzlements36 thymectomized35 schizothymias35 photooxidizes35 hexametrizing35 decitizenized35 zymotechnical34 zygodactylism34 zinjanthropus34

Top 14 Letter words with T
quizzification46 quizzicalities43 methoxybenzene40 xylotypography38 subjectivizing38 photooxidizing37 hypophysectomy37 ventriloquized36 thymectomizing36 metaphysicized36 decitizenizing36 zygodactylisms35 ventriloquizes35 schizomycetous35 quinquefoliate35 podzolizations35 piezochemistry35 metaphysicizes35 hypercriticize35 ectomycorrhiza35

Top 15 Letter words with T
quizzifications47 oxyphenbutazone41 methoxybenzenes41 photoxylography39 xylotypographic38 ventriloquizing37 tranquilizingly37 photozincograph37 metaphysicizing37 hypnotizability37 hypercriticized37 hydroxybutyrate37 apophthegmatize37 zinjanthropuses36 schizophrenetic36 monophthongized36 hypercriticizes36 ectomycorrhizas36 ectomycorrhizae36 coenzymatically36

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