Xed is valid Scrabble Word

Is xed a scrabble word?
Official Scrabble Players Dictionary NO
Official Tournament and Club Word List YES
Collins Scrabble Words YES
Is xed valid Words with Friends?
Words with Friends NO

Definitions for XED in dictionary:

Words that contain XED

axed12 exed12 boxed15 coxed15 faxed16 fixed16 foxed16 hexed16 hoxed16 loxed13 luxed13 maxed15 mixed15 muxed15 nixed13 poxed15 pyxed18 raxed13 sexed13 taxed13 vexed16 waxed16 wexed16 yexed16 laxed13 doxed14 bruxed16 coaxed16 exedra14 flexed17 flixed17 fluxed17 hoaxed17 jinxed21 plexed16 tuxedo14 unaxed14 admixed18 affixed21 annexed15 bemixed19 betaxed17 bolixed17 botoxed17 desexed16 detoxed16 dewaxed19 emboxed19 enfixed18 exedrae15 exedras15 fedexed19 fixedly21 immixed19 indexed16 infixed18 invexed18 malaxed17 mixedly20 refixed18 relaxed15 remixed17 retaxed15 retoxed15 rewaxed18 telexed15 tuxedos15 unboxed17 unfixed18 unmixed17 unsexed15 untaxed15 unvexed18 unwaxed18 vexedly21 xeroxed22 banjaxed25 bollixed18 bolloxed18 climaxed20 commixed22 confixed21 convexed21 deflexed20 duplexed19 hotboxed21 inflexed19 myxedema23 outboxed18 outfoxed19 pickaxed24 poleaxed18 pollaxed18 prefixed21 premixed20 reflexed19 refluxed19 suffixed22 surtaxed16 tuxedoed17 tuxedoes16 unflexed19 apoplexed21 basifixed22 beatboxed21 beeswaxed22 chillaxed22 coannexed19 complexed23 deindexed19 fixedness20 flummoxed24 kickboxed29 minimaxed21 mixedness19 myxedemas24 myxedemic26 outjinxed24 overmixed22 oversexed20 overtaxed20 perplexed21 postfixed22 reaffixed23 reannexed17 reindexed18 relaxedly20 soapboxed21 spandexed20 telefaxed20 triplexed19 unannexed17 unindexed18 unmixedly22 unrelaxed17 vexedness20 convexedly26 disannexed19 dorsifixed22 intermixed20 transfixed21 undersexed19 undertaxed19 dorsiflexed23 fixednesses22 letterboxed21 mixednesses21 multiplexed23 perplexedly26 relaxedness19 retroflexed22 shadowboxed28 unfixedness22 unperplexed23 vexednesses22 myxedematous27 quadruplexed32 complexedness27 perplexedness25 relaxednesses21 unfixednesses24 complexednesses29 perplexednesses27
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