Vibs is valid Scrabble Word

Is vibs a scrabble word?
Official Scrabble Players Dictionary NO
Official Tournament and Club Word List NO
Collins Scrabble Words YES
Is vibs valid Words with Friends?
Words with Friends NO

Definitions for VIBS in dictionary:

Similar words containing VIB without suffix s

vibe9 vibes10 vibex17 vibey13 vibed11 ovibos11 vibier11 vibist11 vibrio11 vibrer11 vibices14 vibiest12 vibists12 vibrant12 vibrate12 vibrato12 vibrion12 vibrios12 oviboses13 vibrance15 vibrancy18 vibrants13 vibrated14 vibrates13 vibrator13 vibratos13 vibrioid14 vibrions13 vibrissa13 vibronic15 viburnum15 ovibovine17 revibrate14 vibracula16 vibraharp19 vibrances16 vibrantly17 vibratile14 vibrating15 vibration14 vibrative17 vibrators14 vibratory17 vibrionic16 vibrioses14 vibriosis14 vibrissae14 vibrissal14 viburnums16 revibrated16 revibrates15 vibracular17 vibraculum19 vibraharps20 vibrancies17 vibraphone20 vibrations15 vibrograph21 vibrometer17 revibrating17 vibraculoid19 vibraphones21 vibratility19 vibratingly20 vibrational16 vibratoless16 vibrographs22 vibrometers18 vibracularia19 vibraharpist22 vibraphonist22 vibratiuncle19 multivibrator20 vibracularium22 vibraharpists23 vibraphonists23 vibratilities18 vibrationless18 vibratiuncles20 multivibrators21 vibroflotation22 vibroflotations23
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