Untressed is valid Scrabble Word

Is untressed a scrabble word?
Official Scrabble Players Dictionary NO
Official Tournament and Club Word List NO
Collins Scrabble Words YES
Is untressed valid Words with Friends?
Words with Friends NO

Definitions for UNTRESSED in dictionary:

Similar words containing TRESS without suffix ed and without prefix un

tress5 stress6 tressy9 actress9 stressy10 tressed8 tressel7 tresses7 tutress7 votress10 actressy13 buttress10 destress9 distress9 doctress11 editress9 fortress11 fostress11 huntress11 instress8 lectress10 mattress10 mistress10 oratress8 pattress10 portress10 rectress10 restress8 stressed9 stresses8 stressor8 suitress8 tressels8 tressier8 tressing9 tressour8 tressure8 unstress8 victress13 waitress11 eustress8 actresses11 adultress10 arbitress11 auditress10 aviatress12 chantress14 creatress11 electress11 exactress18 heritress12 janitress16 jointress16 monitress11 mulatress11 paintress11 poetresse11 prestress11 psaltress11 stressful12 stressier9 stressing10 stressors9 tapstress11 temptress13 traitress9 tressiest9 tressours9 tressured10 tressures9 tutresses9 visitress12 votresses12 ancestress12 antistress10 buttressed13 buttresses12 chauntress15 cloistress12 destressed12 destresses11 dictatress13 directress13 distressed12 distresser11 distresses11 doctresses13 editresses11 emulatress12 executress19 fortressed14 fortresses13 fostresses13 huckstress19 huntresses13 hypostress18 idolatress11 instressed11 instresses10 inventress13 Show more ...
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