Triticisms is valid Scrabble Word

Is triticisms a scrabble word?
Official Scrabble Players Dictionary NO
Official Tournament and Club Word List NO
Collins Scrabble Words YES
Is triticisms valid Words with Friends?
Words with Friends NO

Definitions for TRITICISMS in dictionary:

Words related to TRITICISMS


Similar words containing TICISM without suffix s and without prefix tri

atticism12 atticisms13 criticism15 eroticism13 exoticism20 mysticism18 poeticism15 rusticism13 triticism13 vorticism16 witticism16 asceticism16 asepticism16 astaticism14 criticisms16 eroticisms14 erraticism14 exoticisms21 fanaticism17 gnosticism15 mysticisms19 poeticisms16 rusticisms14 scepticism18 skepticism20 vorticisms17 witticisms17 agnosticism16 apoliticism17 asceticisms17 asepticisms17 astaticisms15 athleticism18 cosmeticism19 didacticism19 dramaticism18 dynasticism19 eclecticism19 erraticisms15 estheticism18 fanaticisms18 freneticism18 gnosticisms16 hermeticism20 monasticism17 neuroticism15 pedanticism18 phoneticism20 romanticism17 scepticisms19 skepticisms21 aestheticism19 agnosticisms17 apoliticisms18 athleticisms19 chromaticism23 cosmeticisms20 dialecticism19 didacticisms20 dramaticisms19 dynasticisms20 eclecticisms20 estheticisms19 fantasticism19 freneticisms19 grammaticism21 hermeticisms21 monasticisms18 neuroticisms16 patristicism18 pedanticisms19 phoneticisms21 pragmaticism21 propheticism23 psychoticism26 romanticisms18 syntheticism22 aestheticisms20 antisepticism19 autoeroticism17 chromaticisms24 dialecticisms20 fantasticisms20 grammaticisms22 homoeroticism22 iconomaticism21 mathematicism24 neoplasticism19 patristicisms19 pragmaticisms22 propheticisms24 psychoticisms27 scholasticism22 syntheticisms23 unathleticism20 antisepticisms20 apocalypticism27 autoeroticisms18 dichromaticism26 homoeroticisms23 hypercriticism28 iconomaticisms22 mathematicisms25 neoplasticisms20 peripateticism22 scholasticisms23 unathleticisms21 antiromanticism21 apocalypticisms28 autodidacticism23 dichromaticisms27 ecclesiasticism23 hypercriticisms29 oneirocriticism21 peripateticisms23 ecclesiasticisms24 countercriticism24 superromanticism24 antiromanticisms22 superromanticisms25 countercriticisms25
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