Trats is valid Scrabble Word

Is trats a scrabble word?
Official Scrabble Players Dictionary NO
Official Tournament and Club Word List NO
Collins Scrabble Words YES
Is trats valid Words with Friends?
Words with Friends NO

Definitions for TRATS in dictionary:

Words related to TRATS


Words that contain TRATS


Similar words containing TRAT without suffix s

trat4 tratt5 strata6 strath9 strati6 tratts6 citrate9 contrat9 nitrate7 outrate7 retrate7 stratal7 stratas7 straths10 stratum9 stratus7 titrate7 bitrate9 castrate10 castrati10 castrato10 citrated11 citrates10 contrate10 contrats10 cultrate10 filtrate11 lustrate8 nitrated9 nitrates8 nitrator8 outrated9 outrates8 retrated9 retrates8 rostrate8 strategy12 stratify14 stratose8 stratous8 stratums10 tartrate8 titrated9 titrates8 titrator8 bitrates10 arbitrate11 castrated12 castrater11 castrates11 castrator11 castratos11 cultrated12 denitrate10 dioptrate12 erostrate9 eventrate12 filtrated13 filtrates12 flustrate12 frustrate12 impetrate13 latration9 lustrated10 lustrates9 nitratine9 nitrating10 nitration9 nitrators9 outrating10 penetrate11 prostrate11 retrating10 rostrated10 stratagem12 strategic12 stratonic11 stratuses9 substrata11 substrate11 tartrated10 tartrates9 titrating10 titration9 titrators9 trattoria9 trattorie9 ultrathin12 ultratiny12 altostrati10 arbitrated13 arbitrates12 arbitrator12 birostrate12 bitartrate12 calyptrate17 castraters12 castrating13 castration12 castrators12 castratory15 denitrated12 denitrates11 eventrated14 eventrates13 exfiltrate20 fenestrate13 filtrating14 filtration13 flustrated14 flustrates13 frustrated14 frustrater13 frustrates13 illustrate10 impetrated15 impetrates14 impetrator14 infiltrate13 latrations10 lustrating11 lustration10 lustrative13 magistrate13 nitratines10 nitrations10 penetrated13 penetrates12 penetrator12 perpetrate14 prostrated13 prostrates12 stratagems13 strategics13 strategies11 strategise11 strategist11 strategize20 strathspey18 stratified14 stratifies13 stratiform15 stratocrat12 substratal12 substrates12 substratum14 tetrathlon13 tetratomic14 titratable12 titrations10 trattorias10 trinitrate10 altostratus11 arbitrating14 arbitration13 arbitrative16 arbitrators13 arbitratrix20 bitartrates13 castrations13 cirrostrati13 concentrate15 demonstrate14 denitrating13 denitration12 eventrating15 eventration14 exfiltrated22 exfiltrates21 fenestrated15 filtratable16 filtrations14 flustrating15 flustration14 frustraters14 frustrating15 frustration14 geostrategy16 illustrated12 illustrates11 illustrator11 impenetrate15 impetrating16 impetration15 impetrative18 impetrators15 impetratory18 infiltrated15 infiltrates14 infiltrator14 intrathecal16 lustrations11 magistrates14 magistratic16 nimbostrati15 orchestrate16 penetrating14 penetration13 penetrative16 penetrators13 perlustrate13 perpetrated16 perpetrates15 perpetrator15 prostrating14 prostration13 remonstrate13 sequestrate20 strategetic14 strategical14 strategised13 strategises12 strategists12 strategized22 strategizes21 strathspeys19 stratifying18 stratocracy18 stratocrats13 stratopause13 substrative16 substratums15 superstrata13 tetratheism16 tetrathlons14 trinitrates11 uncastrated14 understrata12 fenestrates14 ultratinier11 administrate15 arbitrations14 cirrostratus14 claustration14 concentrated17 concentrates16 concentrator16 cumulostrati16 defenestrate16 demonstrated16 demonstrates15 demonstrator15 denitrations13 eventrations15 exfiltrating23 extratextual26 fenestration15 flustrations15 fractostrati17 frustrations15 geostrategic16 illustrateds13 illustrating13 illustration12 illustrative15 illustrators12 illustratory15 impenetrated17 impenetrates16 impetrations16 infiltrating16 infiltration15 infiltrative18 infiltrators15 latirostrate12 magistrature15 ministration14 ministrative17 nimbostratus16 nonstrategic15 orchestrated18 orchestrater17 orchestrates17 orchestrator17 penetrations14 perlustrated15 perlustrates14 perpetrating17 perpetration16 perpetrators16 prostrations14 pyrotartrate17 recalcitrate16 registration13 remonstrated15 remonstrates14 remonstrator14 sequestrated22 sequestrates21 sequestrator21 strategising14 strategizing23 straticulate14 stratigraphy21 stratocratic16 stratocumuli16 stratopauses14 stratosphere17 stratotanker16 superstratum16
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