Tid is valid Scrabble Word

Is tid a scrabble word?
Official Scrabble Players Dictionary NO
Official Tournament and Club Word List NO
Collins Scrabble Words YES
Is tid valid Words with Friends?
Words with Friends NO

Definitions for TID in dictionary:

Words related to TID

girl5 tids5

Words that contain TID

tide5 tids5 tidy8 betid8 fetid9 nitid6 ootid6 putid8 tidal6 tiddy10 tided7 tides6 betide9 cottid9 cystid12 foetid10 mantid9 ootids7 peptid11 tidbit9 tiddle8 tiddly11 tidied8 tidier7 tidies7 tidily10 tiding8 untidy10 bastide10 betided11 betides10 carotid10 cotidal10 cottids10 cystids13 fatidic13 fetider11 fetidly14 hydatid15 mantids10 parotid10 peptide12 peptids12 plastid10 riptide10 stiddie9 tidally11 tidbits10 tiddier9 tiddies9 tiddled10 tiddler9 tiddles9 tiddley12 tiderip10 tideway14 tidiers8 tidiest8 tidings9 tidying12 tritide8 ebbtide12 antidora9 antidote9 antidrug10 antidune9 astatide9 bastides11 betiding12 carotids11 caryatid14 cricetid13 cytidine14 eventide12 fetidest12 fetidity15 foetider12 foetidly15 histidin12 holytide15 hydatids16 lacertid11 multiday14 nontidal9 noontide9 oribatid11 otitides9 parotids11 peptides13 peptidic15 plastids11 riptides11 rudistid10 scolytid14 stiddied11 stiddies10 subtidal11 tiddiest10 tiddlers10 tiddleys13 tiddlier10 Show more ...

How to use TID in a sentence

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