Thio is valid Scrabble Word

Is thio a scrabble word?
Official Scrabble Players Dictionary YES
Official Tournament and Club Word List YES
Collins Scrabble Words YES
Is thio valid Words with Friends?
Words with Friends YES

Definitions for THIO in dictionary:

Words that contain THIO

thiol8 ethion9 thiols9 dithiol11 ethions10 ethiops12 thiolic12 thionic12 thionin10 thionyl13 dithiols12 fenthion14 gnathion12 thionate11 thionine11 thionins11 thionyls14 thiophen16 thiophil16 thiotepa13 thiourea11 dithionic15 ethionine12 ethiopses14 fenthions15 gnathions13 malathion14 parathion14 thiofuran15 thionates12 thionines12 thiophene17 thiophens17 thiotepas14 thioureas12 dithionate14 dithionite14 dithionous14 ethionines13 malathions15 methionine15 parathions15 struthioid14 struthious13 thiocyanic20 thiofurans16 thiopental15 thiophenes18 thiouracil15 trithionic15 ethionamid16 apocynthion21 dithionates15 dithionites15 ethionamide17 glutathione15 methionines16 struthioids15 thioalcohol19 thiobacilli18 thiocyanate19 thiopentals16 thiopentone16 thiosulfate17 thiouracils16 trithionate14 ethionamids17 apocynthions22 azathioprine26 cathiodermie20 ethionamides18 glutathiones16 pericynthion22 thioalcohols20 thiobacillus19 thiocyanates20 thiodiglycol22 thiopentones17 thioridazine25 thiosinamine17 thiosulfates18 thiosulfuric20 thiosulphate20 triethiodide17 trithionates15 azathioprines27 cathiodermies21 pericynthions23 thiocarbamide23 thiodiglycols23 thioridazines26 thiosinamines18 thiosulphates21 thiosulphuric23 triethiodides18 methylthionine25 phenylthiourea25 thiocarbamides24 isothiocyanate22 dithiocarbamic26 dithiocarbamate25 methylthionines26 phenylthioureas26 thiobarbiturate22 isothiocyanates23 phenylthiocarba30 dithiocarbamates26 phenylthiocarbamide37 phenylthiocarbamides38
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