Teins is valid Scrabble Word

Is teins a scrabble word?
Official Scrabble Players Dictionary YES
Official Tournament and Club Word List YES
Collins Scrabble Words YES
Is teins valid Words with Friends?
Words with Friends YES

Definitions for TEINS in dictionary:

Words related to TEINS


Words that contain TEINS

steins6 luteins7 cysteins13 proteins10 einsteins9 hemateins14 holsteins12 genisteins11 haemateins15 apoproteins15 schalsteins16 nonproteins13 fetoproteins17 hemoproteins19 lipoproteins16 mucoproteins18 metaproteins16 flavoproteins21 glucoproteins18 glycoproteins21 haemoproteins20 lactoproteins17 chromoproteins23 nucleoproteins18 scleroproteins18 apolipoproteins21 phosphoproteins27 ribonucleoproteins24

Similar words containing TEIN without suffix s

tein4 stein5 teind6 lutein6 steins6 teinds7 anteing8 cystein12 luteins7 protein9 steined8 teinded9 cysteine13 cysteins13 einstein8 hematein13 holstein11 proteins10 routeing9 sauteing9 steinbok14 steining9 teinding10 cysteines14 cysteinic16 einsteins9 genistein10 haematein14 hemateins14 holsteins12 luteinise9 luteinize18 neoteinia9 proteinic13 sparteine11 steinbock17 steinboks15 steinings10 steinkirk17 apoprotein14 genisteins11 haemateins15 luteinised11 luteinises10 luteinized20 luteinizes19 neoteinias10 nonprotein12 proteinase12 proteinous12 rerouteing11 schalstein15 sparteines12 steinbocks18 steinkirks18 teinoscope14 proteinoid13 apoproteins15 einsteinium13 fetoprotein16 hemoprotein18 lipoprotein15 luteinising12 luteinizing21 misrouteing14 mucoprotein17 proteinases13 proteinuria13 schalsteins16 teinoscopes15 nonproteins13 outcasteing14 proteinoids14 metaprotein15 einsteiniums14 fetoproteins17 flavoprotein20 glucoprotein17 glycoprotein20 haemoprotein19 hemoproteins19 homocysteine22 lactoprotein16 lipoproteins16 mucoproteins18 proteinurias14 metaproteins16 chromoprotein22 flavoproteins21 glucoproteins18 glycoproteins21 haemoproteins20 homocysteines23 lactoproteins17 luteinisation13 luteinization22 nucleoprotein17 proteinaceous17 scleroprotein17 apolipoprotein20 chromoproteins23 luteinisations14 luteinizations23 nucleoproteins18 phosphoprotein26 scleroproteins18 apolipoproteins21 phosphoproteins27 ribonucleoprotein23 ribonucleoproteins24
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