Superordinal is valid Scrabble Word

Is superordinal a scrabble word?
Official Scrabble Players Dictionary NO
Official Tournament and Club Word List NO
Collins Scrabble Words YES
Is superordinal valid Words with Friends?
Words with Friends NO

Definitions for SUPERORDINAL in dictionary:

Words related to SUPERORDINAL


Similar words containing ORDIN without suffix al and without prefix super

cording11 fording12 hording12 lording9 ordinal8 ordinar8 ordinee8 ordines8 sordine8 sording9 sordini8 sordino8 wording12 abording12 chording15 cordiner11 cordings12 lordings10 ordinals9 ordinand10 ordinant9 ordinars9 ordinary12 ordinate9 ordinees9 sordines9 swording13 wordings13 according15 affording17 chordings16 coordinal12 cordiners12 ordinaire10 ordinally13 ordinance12 ordinands11 ordinants10 ordinated11 ordinates10 recording13 rewording14 uncording13 unlording11 wordiness13 affoording18 camcording18 concording16 coordinate13 discording15 inordinacy16 inordinate11 miswording17 ordinaires11 ordinances13 ordinarier11 ordinaries11 ordinarily14 ordinately14 ordinating12 ordination11 recordings14 rewordings15 subordinal13 unordinary14 uphoording17 accordingly20 coordinance16 coordinated15 coordinates14 coordinator14 disordinate13 miswordings18 ordinariest12 ordinations12 overlording16 rerecording15 subordinary17 subordinate14 wordinesses15 coordinances17 coordinately18 coordinating16 coordination15 coordinative18 coordinators15 disaccording19 incoordinate15 inordinacies15 inordinately16 inordination13 misrecording18 ordinariness13 preordinance17 prerecording18 reordination13 subordinancy20 subordinated16 subordinates15 subordinator15 undiscording17 coordinations16 disordinately18 extraordinary24 inordinations14 insubordinate16 preordinances18 preordination16 reordinations14 subordinaries16 subordinately19 subordinating17 subordination16 subordinative19 subordinators16 superordinary19 superordinate16 telerecording17 uncoordinated17 coordinateness17 extraordinaire22 foreordination18 incoordination17 inordinateness15 insubordinates17 ordinarinesses15 preordinations17 subordinancies19 subordinations17 superordinated18 superordinates17 telerecordings18 extraordinaries23 extraordinarily26 foreordinations19 incoordinations18 insubordinately21 insubordination18 subordinateness18 superordinating19 superordination18 unextraordinary26 inordinatenesse16 coordinatenesse18 extraordinarine23 inordinatenesses17 insubordinations19 coordinatenesses19 subordinatenesses20 extraordinariness25 extraordinarinesses27
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