Subduction is valid Scrabble Word

Is subduction a scrabble word?
Official Scrabble Players Dictionary YES
Official Tournament and Club Word List YES
Collins Scrabble Words YES
Is subduction valid Words with Friends?
Words with Friends YES

Definitions for SUBDUCTION in dictionary:

Words related to SUBDUCTION


Words that contain SUBDUCTION


Similar words containing DUC without suffix tion and without prefix sub

duce7 duci7 duck11 duct7 ducal8 ducat8 duces8 duchy14 ducks12 ducky15 ducts8 educe8 educt8 abduce11 abduct11 adduce10 adduct10 beduck15 bonduc11 deduce10 deduct10 ducats9 ducked14 ducker13 duckie13 ductal9 ducted10 educed10 educes9 educts9 gweduc13 induce9 induct9 reduce9 seduce9 heiduc12 obduct11 abduced13 abduces12 abducts12 adduced12 adducer11 adduces11 adducts11 beducks16 bonducs12 caducei12 conduce12 conduct12 deduced12 deduces11 deducts11 ducally13 ducdame13 duchess13 duchies13 duckers14 duckier14 duckies14 ducking15 duckish17 duckpin16 ductile10 ducting11 ductule10 educate10 educing11 eductor10 geoduck15 gweduck18 gweducs14 heyduck20 induced11 inducer10 induces10 inducts10 oviduct13 produce12 product12 reduced11 reducer10 reduces10 seduced11 seducer10 seduces10 subduce12 subduct12 traduce10 viaduct13 heiducs13 abducens13 abducent13 abducing14 abducted14 abductee13 abductor13 adducent12 adducers12 adducing13 adducted13 adductor12 aeroduct11 aqueduct20 barleduc13 beducked18 caducean13 caduceus13 caducity16 caducous13 conduced14 conducer13 conduces13 conducti13 conducts13 deducing13 deducted13 ducatoon11 duchesse14 duckbill17 duckfoot18 duckiest15 duckings16 duckling16 duckmole17 duckpins17 ducktail15 duckwalk22 duckweed19 ductings12 ductless11 ductules11 ductwork18 educable13 educated12 educates11 educator11 educible13 eduction11 eductive14 eductors11 fiducial14 geoducks16 gonoduct12 gweducks19 heyducks21 inducers11 induciae11 inducing12 inducted12 inductee11 inductor11 oviducal14 oviducts14 produced14 producer13 produces13 products13 reducers11 reducing12 reductor11 reinduce11 reinduct11 seducers11 seducing12 seducive14 seductor11 shelduck18 shidduch18 subduced14 subduces13 subducts13 traduced12 traducer11 traduces11 viaducts14 abductees14 abducting15 abduction14 abductors14 adducible15 adducting14 adduction13 adductive16 adductors13 aeroducts12 aqueducts21 archducal17 archduchy23 barleducs14 beducking19 byproduct19 conducers14 conducing15 conducive17 conducted15 conductor14 conductus14 coproduce16 coproduct16 deducible15 deducibly18 deducting14 deduction13 deductive16 ducatoons12 duchessed16 duchesses15 duckbills18 duckboard19 duckishes19 ducklings17 duckmoles18 duckshove22 ducktails16 duckwalks23 duckweeds20 ductilely15 ductility15 ductworks19 educables14 educating13 education12 educative15 educators12 educatory15 educement14 eductions12 fiduciary18 gonoducts13 inducible14 inductees12 inductile12 inducting13 induction12 inductive15 inductors12 introduce12 manducate14 oviductal15 prededuct15 producers14 producing15 reconduct14 reducible14 reducibly17 reductant12 reductase12 reduction12 reductive15 reductors12 reeducate12 reinduced13 reinduces12 reinducts12 reproduce14 seducible14 seducings13 seduction12 seductive15 seductors12 sheldduck20 shelducks19 shellduck19 subducing15 subducted15 traducers12 traducian12 traducing13 transduce12 turducken16 unreduced13 unseduced13 ventiduct15 abducentes15 abductions15 abductores15 adduceable16 adductions14 byproducts20 caducities15 circumduce19 circumduct19 conducible17 conducting16 conduction15 conductive18 conductors15 coproduced18 coproducer17 coproduces17 coproducts17 deducement16 deductible16 deductions14 duchessing17 duckboards20 duckshoved24 duckshover23 duckshoves23 duckwalked25
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