Spheral is valid Scrabble Word

Is spheral a scrabble word?
Official Scrabble Players Dictionary YES
Official Tournament and Club Word List YES
Collins Scrabble Words YES
Is spheral valid Words with Friends?
Words with Friends YES

Definitions for SPHERAL in dictionary:

How to use SPHERAL in a sentence

Similar words containing SPHER without suffix al

sphere11 sphery14 sphered13 spheres12 spheric14 aspheric15 ensphere13 insphere13 oosphere13 spherics15 spherier13 sphering14 spheroid14 spherule13 unsphere13 aspherics16 biosphere16 cosphered17 ecosphere16 ensphered15 enspheres14 exosphere21 geosphere15 insphered15 inspheres14 noosphere14 oospheres14 spherical16 spheriest14 spheroids15 spherular14 spherules14 unsphered15 unspheres14 aerosphere15 aspherical17 atmosphere17 barysphere20 biospheres17 biospheric19 ecospheres17 ensphering16 exospheres22 exospheric24 geospheres16 hemisphere20 infosphere18 insphering16 ionosphere15 mesosphere17 noospheres15 podosphere18 sphereless15 spherelike19 sphericity20 spherocyte20 spheroidal16 spherulite15 unsphering16 aerospheres16 astrosphere16 atmosphered19 atmospheres18 atmospheric20 baryspheres21 bathysphere24 blogosphere19 chemosphere23 cosmosphere20 heliosphere19 helispheric21 hemispheres21 hemispheric23 hydrosphere23 infospheres19 ionospheres16 ionospheric18 lithosphere19 mesospheres18 mesospheric20 microsphere20 ozonosphere25 photosphere21 planisphere18 podospheres19 rhizosphere28 spherically21 spherocytes21 spheroidise17 spheroidize26 spherometer18 spheroplast18 spherulites16 spherulitic18 troposphere18 astrospheres17 atmospherics21 bathyspheres25 blastosphere19 blogospheres20 centrosphere19 chemospheres24 chemospheric26 chromosphere24 cosmospheres21 exospherical26 heliospheres20 hemispheroid23 hydrospheres24 hydrospheric26 lithospheres20 lithospheric22 microspheres21 nonspherical19 ozonospheres26 photospheres22 photospheric24 phyllosphere25 planispheres19 planispheric21 rhabdosphere23 rhizospheres29 sphericality22 sphericities19 spheroidally21 spheroidised19 spheroidises18 spheroidized28 spheroidizes27 spherometers19 spheroplasts19 stratosphere17 thermosphere22 trochosphere22 tropospheres19 tropospheric21 heliospheric22 blogospheric22 asthenosphere21 atmospherical22 blastospheres20 centrospheres20 chromospheres25 chromospheric27 helispherical23 hemispherical25 hemispheroids24 magnetosphere21 phyllospheres26 rhabdospheres24 sphericalness20 spheristerion18 spherocytoses23 spherocytosis23 spheroidicity24 spheroidising20 spheroidizing29 stratospheres18 stratospheric20 thermospheres23 thermospheric25 trochospheres23 asthenospheres22 asthenospheric24 chromatosphere26 hemispheroidal25 magnetospheres22 magnetospheric24 microspherical25 sphericalities21 spheristerions19 spheroidically25 subatmospheric25 atmospherically27 chromatospheres27 ionospherically25 sphericalnesses22 spheroidicities23 spheroidisation21 spheroidization30 stratospherical22 substratosphere22 hemispherectomy32 interhemispheri25 interhemispheric28
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