Solum is valid Scrabble Word

Is solum a scrabble word?
Official Scrabble Players Dictionary YES
Official Tournament and Club Word List YES
Collins Scrabble Words YES
Is solum valid Words with Friends?
Words with Friends YES

Definitions for SOLUM in dictionary:

Words related to SOLUM

sola4 solars6 solas5 solums8

Words that contain SOLUM

solums8 dorsolumbar16

How to use SOLUM in a sentence

  • Tum durare solum et discludere Nerea ponto Coeperit, et rerum pauliatim sumere formas.
  • Beatus ergo Keranus non solum uiuit Deo, cui inseperabiliter adheret, uerum et hominibus quibus beneficia oportuno tempore impendit.
  • Itaque hujusmodi musica maximo impedimento non solum pauperi et negotioso viro est, sed etiam omnibus generaliter.
  • Anathematizamus Manichaeum qui Christum solum Deum et non hominem fuisse praedicat.
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