Sigs is valid Scrabble Word

Is sigs a scrabble word?
Official Scrabble Players Dictionary YES
Official Tournament and Club Word List YES
Collins Scrabble Words YES
Is sigs valid Words with Friends?
Words with Friends NO

Definitions for SIGS in dictionary:

Words related to SIGS


Similar words containing SIG without suffix s

sig4 sigh8 sign5 sighs9 sight9 sigil6 sigla6 sigma8 signa6 signs6 sigri6 assign7 besigh12 cosign9 design8 ensign7 obsign9 resign7 sighed11 sigher10 sights10 sigils7 siglas7 sigloi7 siglos7 siglum9 sigmas9 signal7 signed8 signee7 signer7 signet7 signor7 assigns8 besighs13 consign10 cosigns10 designs9 ensigns8 insight11 insigne8 obsigns10 resight11 resigns8 siganid9 sighers11 sighful14 sighing12 sighted12 sighter11 sightly14 sigmate10 sigmoid11 signage9 signals8 signary11 signees8 signers8 signets8 signeur8 signify14 signing9 signior8 signora8 signore8 signori8 signors8 signory11 tsigane8 unsight11 assignat9 assigned10 assignee9 assigner9 assignor9 besighed15 codesign12 consigns11 cosigned12 cosigner11 designed11 designee10 designer10 dissight13 ensigncy14 ensigned10 eyesight15 gunsight13 insights12 insignia9 obsigned12 outsight12 reassign9 redesign10 resights12 resigned10 resigner9 siganids10 sighings13 sighless12 sighlike16 sighters12 sighting13 sightsaw15 sightsee12 sigisbei11 sigisbeo11 sigmated12 sigmates11 sigmatic13 sigmoids12 signable11 signages10 signaled10 signaler9 signally12 signeted10 signieur9 signings10 signiori9 signiors9 signiory12 signless9 signoras9 signores9 signoria9 signpost11 tsiganes9 unsights12 unsigned10 assignats10 assignees10 assigners10 assigning11 assignors10 backsight21 besighing16 bombsight19 codesigns13 consigned13 consignee12 consigner12 consignor12 cosigners12 cosigning13 designate11 designees11 designers11 designful14 designing12 dissights14 ensigning11 eyesights16 foresight16 gunsights14 hindsight17 insignias10 lysigenic15 misassign12 monsignor12 nonsigner10 obsignate12 obsigning13 outasight13 outdesign11 outsights13 oversight16 phansigar15 posigrade13 preassign12 predesign13 presignal12 reassigns10 reconsign12 redesigns11 resighted14 resigners10 resigning11 sighingly17 sightable15 sightings14 sightless13 sightlier13 sightline13 sightseen13 sightseer13 sightsees13 sightsman15 sightsmen15 sigillary13 sigillate10 sigmating13 sigmation12 sigmatism14 sigmatron12 sigmoidal13 signalers10 signaling11 signalise10 signalize19 signalled11 signaller10 signalman12 signalmen12 signaries10 signatory13 signature10 signboard13 signeting11 signeurie10 signieurs10 significs15 signified14 signifier13 signifies13 signorial10 signorias10 signories10 signorina10 signorine10 signorini10 signorino10 signposts12 undersign11 unsighing14 unsighted14 unsightly16 assignable13 assignably16 assignment13 backsights22 blindsight17 bombsights20 codesigned15 consignees13 consigners13 consignify19 consigning14 consignors13 designable14 designated13 designates12 designator12 designedly16 designings13 designless12 designment14 dorsigrade13 ensigncies13 ensignship16 farsighted18 foresights17 hindsights18 insightful17 lysigenous14 misassigns13 monsignori13 monsignors13 nonsigners11 obsignated14 obsignates13 outdesigns12 overdesign15 oversights17 pasigraphy21 phansigars16 preassigns13 predesigns14 presignals13 presignify19 reassigned12 reconsigns13 redesigned13 resighting15 resignedly15 resignment13 sightliest14 sightlines14 sightseers14 sigillarid12 sigmations13 sigmatisms15 sigmatrons13 signalings12 signalised12 signalises11 signalized21 signalizes20 signallers11 signalling12 signalment13 signatures11 signboards14 signeuries11 signifieds15 signifiers14 signifying18 signiories11 signorinas11 signposted14
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