Semioval is valid Scrabble Word

Is semioval a scrabble word?
Official Scrabble Players Dictionary YES
Official Tournament and Club Word List YES
Collins Scrabble Words YES
Is semioval valid Words with Friends?
Words with Friends NO

Definitions for SEMIOVAL in dictionary:

How to use SEMIOVAL in a sentence

Similar words containing OV without suffix al and without prefix semi

gov7 ova6 sov6 ovo6 cove9 dove8 govs8 hove10 love7 move9 nova7 omov9 oval7 ovel7 oven7 over7 ovum9 rove7 sovs7 wove10 novo7 above10 amove10 bovid11 clove10 coved11 coven10 cover10 coves10 covet10 covey13 covin10 doved10 doven9 dover9 doves9 dovie9 drove9 emove10 fovea11 glove9 grove9 grovy12 hoove11 hovea11 hoved12 hovel11 hoven11 hover11 hoves11 lovat8 loved9 lover8 loves8 lovey11 lovie8 moove10 moved11 mover10 moves10 movie10 novae8 novas8 novel8 novum10 omovs10 ovals8 ovary11 ovate8 ovels8 ovens8 overs8 overt8 ovine8 ovist8 ovoid9 ovoli8 ovolo8 ovule8 poove10 poovy13 prove10 roved9 roven8 rover8 roves8 shove11 slove8 stove8 trove8 woven11 aboves11 alcove11 amoove11 amoved12 amoves11 behove14 belove11 bovate11 bovids12 bovine11 bovver14 cloven11 clover11 cloves11 clovis11 covary14 covens11 covent11 covers11 covert11 covets11 coveys14 covine11 coving12 covins11 covyne14 croove11 dovens10 dovers10 dovier10 doving11 dovish13 droved11 drover10 droves10 emmove13 emoved12 emoves11 enmove11 evovae12 foveae12 foveal12 foveas12 gloved11 glover10 gloves10 govern10 groove10 groovy13 groved11 grovel10 groves10 grovet10 hooved13 hooven12 hoover12 hooves12 hoveas12 hovels12 hovers12 hoving13 improv13 inwove12 jovial16 looves9 lovage10 lovats9 lovely12 lovers9 loveys12 lovier9 lovies9 loving10 mooved12 mooves11 movant11 movers11 movies11 moving12 novate9 novels9 novena9 novice11 novity12 novums11 ovally12 ovated10 ovates9 ovator9 ovened10 overby14 overdo10 overed10 overgo10 overly12 ovibos11 ovines9 ovisac11 ovists9 ovoids10 ovolos9 ovonic11 ovular9 ovules9 plover11 pooves11 proved12 proven11 prover11 proves11 remove11 rewove12 rovers9 roving10 shoved13 shovel12 shover12 shoves12 shrove12 sloven9 soviet9 sovran9 stoved10 stover9 stoves9 strove9 throve12 trover9 troves9 unlove9 unrove9 unwove12 updove12 uphove14 wovens12 alcoved13 alcoves12 allover10 amooved13 amooves12 amoving13 anchovy18 approve14 autovac12 behoove15 behoved16 behoves15 beloved13 beloves12 bovates12 bovines12 bovvers15 cabover14 clovers12 clovery15 codrove13 commove16 covelet12 covents12 covered13 coverer12 coverts12 coverup14 coveted13 coveter12 covines12 covings13 covynes15 crooves12 cutover12 dovecot13 doveish14 dovekey18 dovekie15 dovelet11 dovened12 dovered12 doviest11 drovers11 droving12 emmoved15 emmoves14 emoving13 enmoved13 enmoves12 estover10 evovaes13 flyover16 foveate13 foveola13 foveole13 glovers11 gloving12 governs11 grooved12 groover11 grooves11 grovels11 grovets11 grovier11 hellova13 hoovers13 hooving14 hoveled14 hovered14 hoverer13 improve14 improvs14 inwoven13
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