Rud is valid Scrabble Word

Is rud a scrabble word?
Official Scrabble Players Dictionary NO
Official Tournament and Club Word List NO
Collins Scrabble Words YES
Is rud valid Words with Friends?
Words with Friends NO

Definitions for RUD in dictionary:

Words related to RUD

rudded9 rudding10 ruds5

Words that contain RUD

crud7 rudd6 rude5 rudi5 ruds5 rudy8 crude8 crudo8 cruds8 crudy11 prude8 rudas6 rudds7 ruddy10 ruder6 rudes6 rudie6 rudis6 cruddy13 cruder9 crudes9 crudos9 drudge9 garuda8 grudge9 prudes9 rudded9 rudder8 ruddle8 rudely10 rudery10 rudest7 rudies7 rudish10 rudist7 trudge8 unrude7 crudded12 cruddle11 crudely13 crudest10 crudier10 crudity13 detrude9 drudged11 drudger10 drudges10 erudite8 extrude15 garudas9 grudged11 grudger10 grudges10 gurudom11 hirudin11 intrude8 obtrude10 prudent10 prudery13 prudish13 rudases8 rudders9 ruddied10 ruddier9 ruddies9 ruddily12 rudding10 ruddled10 ruddles9 ruddock15 ruderal8 rudesby13 rudists8 strudel8 trudged10 trudgen9 trudger9 trudges9 begrudge13 cruddier12 crudding13 cruddled13 cruddles12 crudiest11 crudites11 detruded11 detrudes10 drudgers11 drudgery14 drudging12 drudgism13 erudites9 extruded17 extruder16 extrudes16 grudgers11 grudging12 gurudoms12 hirudins12 intruded10 intruder9 Show more ...

How to use RUD in a sentence

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