Retirer is valid Scrabble Word

Is retirer a scrabble word?
Official Scrabble Players Dictionary YES
Official Tournament and Club Word List YES
Collins Scrabble Words YES
Is retirer valid Words with Friends?
Words with Friends YES

Definitions for RETIRER in dictionary:

Words related to RETIRER

retire6 retirers8

Words that contain RETIRER


Similar words containing TIR without suffix er and without prefix re

stir4 tire4 tirl4 tiro4 tirr4 astir5 stire5 stirk9 stirp7 stirs5 tired6 tires5 tirls5 tiros5 tirrs5 attire6 bestir8 entire6 extirp15 intire6 maftir11 retire6 santir6 satire6 stired7 stires6 stirks10 stirps8 stirra6 stirre6 tirade7 tirage7 tiring7 tiriti6 tirled7 tiroes6 tirred7 tirrit6 upstir8 antired8 attired8 attires7 bestirs9 entires7 extirps16 maftirs12 retiral7 retired8 retiree7 retires7 saltire7 santirs7 satires7 satiric9 stiring8 stirpes9 stirrah10 stirras7 stirred8 stirrer7 stirres7 stirrup9 tirades8 tirages8 tirasse7 tireder8 tiredly11 tirings8 tiritis7 tirling8 tironic9 tirring8 tirrits7 untired8 upstirs9 antirape10 antiriot8 antirock14 antiroll8 antirust8 attiring9 entirely11 entirety11 extirped18 flatiron11 overstir11 overtire11 retiracy13 retirals8 retirant8 retirees8 retirers8 retiring9 saltires8 satirise8 satirist8 satirize17 stirless8 stirrahs11 stirrers8 Show more ...
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