Retiles is valid Scrabble Word

Is retiles a scrabble word?
Official Scrabble Players Dictionary YES
Official Tournament and Club Word List YES
Collins Scrabble Words YES
Is retiles valid Words with Friends?
Words with Friends YES

Definitions for RETILES in dictionary:

Words related to RETILES

retile6 retiled8 retiling9

Similar words containing TILE without suffix s and without prefix re

tile4 stile5 tiled6 tiler5 tiles5 utile5 futile9 motile8 retile6 rutile6 stiled7 stiles6 stilet6 sutile6 tilers6 tilery9 untile6 utiles6 bastile9 centile9 coctile11 cortile9 ductile10 fertile10 fictile12 futiler10 gentile8 hostile10 inutile7 motiles9 pantile9 pontile9 reptile9 retiled8 rutiles7 sectile9 sextile14 stilets7 subtile9 tactile9 textile14 tortile7 untiled8 untiles7 antileak12 antileft11 bastiles10 centiles10 dentiled10 erectile10 fertiler11 futilely14 futilest11 gentiles9 herptile13 hostiles11 immotile12 pantiled11 pantiles10 pitiless10 pontiles10 postiled11 quantile17 quartile17 quintile17 reptiles10 saxatile15 sextiles15 stiletto8 subtiler10 textiles15 tilefish14 tilelike12 tileries8 tractile10 volatile11 cantilena11 ductilely15 exsertile16 fertilely15 fertilest12 hostilely15 inductile12 infantile12 infertile12 insectile11 inutilely12 nonmotile11 pestilent11 portatile11 pulsatile11 quantiles18 quartiles18 quintiles18 sortilege10 sortilegy13 stilettos9 subtilely14 subtilest11 tactilely14 turnstile9 umbratile13 unfertile12 unhostile12 versatile12 vibratile14 volatiles12 antilepton12 biquintile21 bissextile19 cantilenas12 cantilever15 chrysotile18 coleoptile14 fluviatile16 futileness13 gentilesse11 geotextile18 mercantile14 multilevel15 nonhostile13 percentile14 pestilence14 pitilessly15 productile15 projectile21 refractile15 retractile12 sortileger11 sortileges11 stilettoed11 stilettoes10 subfertile15 tilefishes16 trajectile19 turnstiles10 umbratiles14 antileprosy16 antileptons13 areosystile14 biquintiles22 bissextiles20 cantilevers16 chrysotiles19 coleoptiles15 contractile15 ductileness14 fertileness14 gentilesses12 geotextiles19 infertilely17 nonvolatile14 percentiles15 pestilences15 pestilently16 projectiles22 protractile15 sortilegers12 sortilegies12 stilettoing12 subtileness13 versatilely17 multilevels16 antilegomena15 antileukemic20 areosystiles15 cantilevered18 futilenesses15 interfertile15 multileveled18 pestilential14 pitilessness14 supersubtile16 volatileness15 nonvolatiles15 cantilevering19 ductilenesses16 fertilenesses16 interquartile22 multilevelled19 nonretractile15 subtilenesses15 versatileness16 pestilentially19 pitilessnesses16 volatilenesses17 versatilenesses18
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