Resus is valid Scrabble Word

Is resus a scrabble word?
Official Scrabble Players Dictionary NO
Official Tournament and Club Word List NO
Collins Scrabble Words YES
Is resus valid Words with Friends?
Words with Friends NO

Definitions for RESUS in dictionary:

Words related to RESUS

resuses7 resusses8

Words that contain RESUS

resuses7 resusses8 resuspend12 resuspends13 resuscitant13 resuscitate13 resuspended15 resuscitable16 resuscitants14 resuscitated15 resuscitates14 resuscitator14 resuspending16 resuspension14 resuscitating16 resuscitation15 resuscitative18 resuscitators15 resuspensions15 irresuscitable18 irresuscitably21 resuscitations16

Similar words containing SU without suffix s and without prefix re

sub5 sud4 sue3 sug4 sui3 suk7 sum5 sun3 sup5 suq12 sur3 sus3 masu6 suba6 subs6 such9 suck10 sudd6 suds5 sued5 suer4 sues4 suet4 sugh8 sugo5 sugs5 suid5 suit4 sukh11 suks8 sulk8 sulu4 sumi6 sumo6 sump8 sums6 sumy9 sung5 suni4 sunk8 sunn4 suns4 supe6 sups6 suqs13 sura4 surd5 sure4 surf7 suss4 susu4 adsum8 asura5 bosun7 bussu7 casus7 cusum9 ensue5 issue5 jesus12 lassu5 lusus5 masus7 nisus5 risus5 suave8 subah10 subas7 subby12 suber7 subha10 succi9 sucks11 sucky14 sucre7 sudds7 sudor6 sudsy9 suede6 suent5 suers5 suete5 suets5 suety8 sugan6 sugar6 sughs9 sugos6 suhur8 suids6 suing6 suint5 suite5 suits5 sujee12 sukhs12 sukuk13 sulci7 sulfa8 sulfo8 sulks9 sulky12 sully8 sulph10 sulus5 sumac9 sumis7 summa9 sumos7 sumph12 sumps9 sunis5 sunks9 sunna5 sunns5 sunny8 sunup7 super7 supes7 supra7 surah8 sural5 suras5 surat5 surds6 sured6 surer5 sures5 surfs8 surfy11 surge6 surgy9 surly8 surra5 sused6 suses5 sushi8 susus5 sutor5 sutra5 sutta5 tsuba7 tsubo7 usual5 usure5 usurp7 usury8 passu7 absurd9 adsuki11 assume8 assure6 asuras6 ausubo8 basuco10 besung9 bosuns8 bussus8 byssus11 casual8 catsup10 census8 cesura8 cesure8 cissus8 consul8 cursus8 cusums10 disuse7 dorsum9 dysury13 ensued7 ensues6 ensure6 fansub11 fusuma11 gypsum14 insula6 insult6 insure6 issued7 issuer6 issues6 jesuit13 lapsus8 lassus6 lesula6 masula8 missus8 misuse8 misust8 nasute6 omasum10 outsum8 passus8 pensum10 persue8 possum10 pursue8 rasure6 result6 resume8 rhesus9 rosula6 sensum8 suable8 suably11 suaver9 subact10 subahs11 subbed11 subbie10 subdeb11 subdew12 subdue9 subers8 subfeu11 subfix18 subgum11 subhas11 subito8 sublet8 sublot8 subman10 submen10 submit10 subnet8 suborn8 subpar10 subsea8 subset8 subtil8 subtle8 subtly11 suburb10 subway14 succah13 succes10 succor10 succos10 succot10 succus10 sucked13 sucken12 sucker12 sucket12 suckle12 sucres8 sudary10 sudate7 sudden8 sudder8 sudoku11 sudors7 sudsed8 sudser7 sudses7 sueded8 suedes7 suetes6 suetty9 suffer12 suffix19 sugans7 sugars7 sugary10 sugged9 sughed11 suhurs9 suings7 suints6 suited7 suiter6 suites6 suitor6 suivez18 sujees13 sukkah17 sukkos14 sukkot14 sukuks14 sulcal8 sulcus8 suldan7 sulfas9 sulfid10 sulfur9 sulked11 sulker10 sullen6 sulpha11 sulphs11 sultan6 sultry9 sumach13 sumacs10 summae10 summar10 summas10 summat10
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