Reshined is valid Scrabble Word

Is reshined a scrabble word?
Official Scrabble Players Dictionary YES
Official Tournament and Club Word List YES
Collins Scrabble Words YES
Is reshined valid Words with Friends?
Words with Friends YES

Definitions for RESHINED in dictionary:

Words related to RESHINED

reshine10 reshines11 reshining13 reshone10

Similar words containing SHIN without suffix ed and without prefix re

shin7 shine8 shins8 shiny11 arshin9 ashine9 ashing10 elshin9 shindy13 shined10 shiner9 shines9 shinju16 shinne9 shinny12 shinty12 washin12 arshine10 arshins10 bashing13 beshine12 bushing13 cashing13 coshing13 dashing12 dishing12 dushing12 elshins10 fashing14 fishing14 gashing12 gushing12 hashing14 hishing14 hushing14 joshing18 lashing11 lashins10 lushing11 mashing13 meshing13 moshing13 mushing13 noshing11 pashing13 pishing13 poshing13 pushing13 rashing11 reshine10 rushing11 sashing11 shindig12 shindys14 shiners10 shiness10 shingle11 shingly14 shinier10 shinies10 shinily13 shining11 shinjus17 shinkin14 shinned11 shinnes10 shinney13 shinola10 tashing11 toshing11 tushing11 vishing14 washing14 washins13 wishing14 abashing14 arshines11 ashiness11 bashings14 beshines13 blashing14 blushing14 brashing14 brushing14 bushings14 clashing14 crashing14 crushing14 deashing13 dishings13 dunshing13 eyeshine14 fishings15 flashing15 fleshing15 flushing15 freshing15 frushing15 gnashing13 harshing15 Show more ...
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