Remens is valid Scrabble Word

Is remens a scrabble word?
Official Scrabble Players Dictionary NO
Official Tournament and Club Word List NO
Collins Scrabble Words YES
Is remens valid Words with Friends?
Words with Friends NO

Definitions for REMENS in dictionary:

Words related to REMENS


Words that contain REMENS

agremens11 premenstrual16 premenstrually21

Similar words containing MEN without suffix s and without prefix re

men5 amen6 mend7 mene6 meng7 meno6 ment6 menu6 omen6 mens6 admen8 amend8 amene7 amens7 ament7 axmen14 elmen7 emend8 hymen13 limen7 lumen7 menad8 mends8 mened8 menes7 menge8 mengs8 mensa7 mense7 mensh10 menta7 mento7 menus7 nomen7 numen7 omens7 ramen7 remen7 rumen7 samen7 semen7 vimen10 women10 yamen10 acumen10 aidmen9 airmen8 amende9 amends9 amened9 amenta8 aments8 apemen10 ashmen11 axemen15 badmen11 bagmen11 barmen10 batmen10 baymen13 binmen10 bogmen11 bowmen13 busmen10 cabmen12 carmen10 cement10 conmen10 cowmen13 crimen10 crumen10 culmen10 cupmen12 cymene13 daimen9 dement9 dogmen10 dolmen9 emends9 examen15 fenmen11 flamen11 flymen14 foemen11 fogmen12 foment11 gadmen10 gagmen10 gasmen9 gemmen11 germen9 gigmen10 gunmen9 hetmen11 hitmen11 hodmen12 hymens14 icemen10 lament8 lawmen11 laymen11 legmen9 limens8 loment8 lumens8 madmen11 menace10 menads9 menage9 mended10 mender9 meneer8 menged10 menges9 menhir11 menial8 mening9 meninx15 mensae8 mensal8 mensas8 mensch13 mensed9 menses8 mental8 mentee8 mentor8 mentos8 mentum10 menudo9 menyie11 mermen10 moment10 nomens8 nonmen8 oilmen8 omened9 omenta8 penmen10 piemen10 pigmen11 piment10 pitmen10 potmen10 premen10 ragmen9 ramens8 remend9 rodmen9 rumens8 saxmen15 seamen8 semens8 skymen15 socmen10 stamen8 submen10 taxmen15 tegmen9 temene8 tinmen8 titmen8 topmen10 toymen11 tutmen8 vanmen11 vatmen11 warmen11 yamens11 yeomen11 redmen9 abdomen12 acumens11 adwomen13 agnomen10 ailment9 albumen11 aliment9 almsmen11 amenage10 amended11 amender10 amendes10 amening10 amenity12 amental9 amentia9 amentum11 antimen9 artsmen9 augment10 automen9 basemen11 batsmen11 beadmen12 bedemen12 bellmen11 beltmen11 billmen11 birdmen12 bitumen11 boatmen11 bodymen15 bogymen15 bondmen12 bookmen15 bowsmen14 bushmen14 butment11 byremen14 cacumen13 casemen11 cavemen14 cementa11 cements11 cerumen11 chapmen16 clement11 clubmen13 coalmen11 commend14 comment13 crewmen14 crumens11 cymenes14 daysmen13 deadmen11 dementi10 dements10 deskmen14 dolmens10 doormen10 dorymen13 draymen13 duramen10 dustmen10 ecumene11 element9 emended11 emender10 examens16 facemen14 ferment12 figment13 firemen12 fitment12 flagmen13 flamens12 flehmen15 foments12 footmen12 foramen12 foremen12 freemen12 frogmen13 gadsmen11 garment10 gatemen10 germens10 gleemen10 goodmen11 gownmen13 gripmen12 gudemen11 hackmen18 hangmen13 hardmen13 headmen13 hegumen13 helimen12 herdmen13 highmen16 hillmen12 hoodmen13 hosemen12 hutment12 hymenal15 hymenia15 immense11 ironmen9 islemen9 jackmen22 jarkmen20 jazzmen34 junkmen20 jurymen19 keelmen13 kinsmen13 kirkmen17 laments9 landmen10 leadmen10 lensmen9 liftmen12 linemen9 linkmen13 lockmen15 locomen11 lomenta9 loments9
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