Relucent is valid Scrabble Word

Is relucent a scrabble word?
Official Scrabble Players Dictionary YES
Official Tournament and Club Word List YES
Collins Scrabble Words YES
Is relucent valid Words with Friends?
Words with Friends YES

Definitions for RELUCENT in dictionary:

Words related to RELUCENT


Similar words containing LUC without suffix ent and without prefix re

luce6 luck10 cluck13 luces7 lucid8 lucks11 lucky14 lucre7 pluck13 clucks14 clucky17 glucan9 lucent8 lucern8 luchot11 lucite8 lucked13 lucken12 luckie12 lucres8 lucuma10 lucumo10 mucluc12 plucks14 plucky17 reluct8 blucher14 clucked16 clucker15 felucca14 glucans10 glucina10 glucose10 lucarne9 lucence11 lucency14 lucerne9 lucerns9 luchoth15 lucider10 lucidly13 lucifer12 lucigen10 lucites9 luckier13 luckies13 luckily16 lucking14 lucumas11 lucumos11 misluck15 muclucs13 plucked16 plucker15 potluck15 relucts9 unlucky16 bluchers15 cluckers16 cluckier16 clucking17 feluccas15 glucagon12 glucinas11 glucinic13 glucinum13 gluconic13 glucoses11 glucosic13 hallucal13 halluces13 lucarnes10 lucences12 lucently13 lucernes10 lucidest11 lucidity14 lucifers13 lucigens11 luckiest14 luckless14 luculent10 mameluco14 mislucks16 muckluck22 pellucid13 pluckers16 pluckier16 pluckily19 plucking17 potlucks16 relucted11 antelucan11 cluckiest17 elucidate12 fluctuant14 fluctuate14 glucagons13 glucinium14 glucinums14 gluconate12 glucoside13 involucel14 involucra14 involucre14 lucencies13 lucidness12 luciferin14 luckiness15 luckpenny20 lucrative14 luctation11 lucubrate13 lucumones13 mamelucos15 mislucked18 mucklucks23 noctiluca13 pluckiest17 pollucite13 reluctant11 reluctate11 relucting12 unluckier15 unluckily18 unplucked18 volucrine14 dilucidate14 elucidated14 elucidates13 elucidator13 elucubrate14 fluctuated16 fluctuates15 gluciniums15 gluconates13 glucophore18 glucosidal14 glucosides14 glucosidic16 glucosuria13 glucosuric15 glucuronic15 involucels15 involucral15 involucres15 involucrum17 lucidities13 luciferase15 luciferins15 luciferous15 lucifugous16 lucklessly19 luctations12 lucubrated15 lucubrates14 lucubrator14 luculently15 microluces16 milliluces14 mislucking19 noctilucae14 noctilucas14 pellucidly18 pluckiness18 pollucites14 reluctance14 reluctancy17 reluctated13 reluctates12 semilucent14 translucid13 unluckiest16 glucoronic15 glucometer15 dilucidated16 dilucidates15 elucidating15 elucidation14 elucidative17 elucidators14 elucidatory17 elucubrated16 elucubrates15 fluctuating17 fluctuation16 glucokinase18 glucophores19 glucosamine16 glucosidase15 glucosurias14 glucuronide15 hallucinant16 hallucinate16 ineluctable15 ineluctably18 involucella16 involucrate16 lucidnesses14 luciferases16 luckenbooth22 luckengowan21 luckinesses17 luckpennies19 lucratively19 lucubrating16 lucubration15 lucubrators15 noctilucent15 noctilucous15 pellucidity19 prehalluces18 radiolucent14 reluctances15 reluctantly16 reluctating14 reluctation13 reluctivity19 translucent13 unluckiness17 unreluctant13 fluconazole25 glucometers16 colluctation16 dilucidating17 dilucidation16 elucidations15 elucubrating17 elucubration16 fluctuations17 glucokinases19 glucoprotein17 glucosamines17 glucosidases16 glucuronides16 hallucinants17 hallucinated18 hallucinates17 hallucinator17 hallucinogen18 hallucinoses17 hallucinosis17 involucellum19 luckenbooths23 luckengowans22 lucklessness18 lucubrations16 noctilucence18 pellucidness17 pluckinesses20 radiolucency20 reluctancies16 reluctations14 semipellucid19 solifluction17 translucence16 translucency19 fluconazoles26 colluctations17 dextroglucose24 dilucidations17 elucubrations17 fluctuational18 gluconeogenic19 glucoproteins18 glucuronidase17 hallucinating19 hallucination18 hallucinative21 hallucinators18 hallucinatory21 hallucinogens19 involucellate18 lucrativeness18 noctilucences19 pellucidities18 reluctivities18 solifluctions18 translucences17 translucently18 translucidity19 unluckinesses19 dextroglucoses25 glucocorticoid22 glucuronidases18 hallucinations19 hallucinogenic22 ineluctability21 involucellated20 lucklessnesses20 pellucidnesses19 radiolucencies19 translucencies18 hallucinosises19 glucocorticoids23 gluconeogeneses19 gluconeogenesis19 hallucinational20 hallucinogenics23 lucrativenesses20
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