Relists is valid Scrabble Word

Is relists a scrabble word?
Official Scrabble Players Dictionary YES
Official Tournament and Club Word List YES
Collins Scrabble Words YES
Is relists valid Words with Friends?
Words with Friends YES

Definitions for RELISTS in dictionary:

Words related to RELISTS

relist6 relisted9 relisting10

Similar words containing LIST without suffix s and without prefix re

list4 alist5 blist7 lists5 delist7 enlist6 holist9 hylist12 listed7 listee6 listel6 listen6 lister6 malist8 relist6 anglist8 balista9 biblist11 blister9 cellist9 coolist9 cyclist14 delists8 dialist8 dualist8 duelist8 enlists7 foilist10 glisten8 glister8 holists10 hylists13 idolist8 idylist11 klister11 listbox16 listees7 listels7 listens7 listers7 listeth10 listful10 listing8 midlist10 myalist12 oculist9 oralist7 paylist12 pollist9 realist7 stylist10 titlist7 unalist7 violist10 wholist13 anglists9 annalist8 arbalist10 backlist16 balistae10 balistas10 ballista10 biblists12 blisters10 blistery13 cabalist12 cellists10 civilist13 colistin10 coolists10 creolist10 cyclists15 delisted10 dialists9 diallist9 dualists9 duelists9 duellist9 enlisted9 enlistee8 enlister8 fabulist13 familist13 fatalist11 filister11 finalist11 foilists11 glistens9 glisters9 graylist12 greylist12 handlist12 helistop13 holistic13 homilist13 idealist9 idolists9 idylists12 idyllist12 junglist16 kabalist14 klisters12 legalist9 libelist10 listable10 listened9 listener8 listeria8 listings9 listless8 listserv11 localist10 longlist9 loyalist11 medalist11 metalist10 midlists11 modalist11 modelist11 moralist10 muralist10 myalists13 niellist8 nihilist11 novelist11 oculists10 oralists8 orlistat8 panelist10 papalist12 paylists13 phallist13 playlist13 pollists10 populist12 pugilist11 qabalist19 realists8 reenlist8 regalist9 relisted9 royalist11 ruralist8 sciolist10 shitlist11 simplist12 sodalist9 stylists11 titlists8 totalist8 trialist8 troilist8 unalists8 unlisted9 violists11 vitalist11 vocalist13 waitlist11 wholists14 listicle10 relisten8 actualist11 aerialist9 amoralist11 animalist11 annalists9 arbalists11 atonalist9 backlists17 ballistae11 ballistas11 ballistic13 bicyclist18 blacklist17 blistered12 braillist11 brutalist11 cabalists13 cabbalist15 carnalist11 cartelist11 cembalist15 cerealist11 checklist20 choralist14 civilists14 colistins11 creolists11 crewelist14 curialist11 cymbalist18 dactylist15 delisting11 denialist10 diabolist12 diallists10 disablist12 dualistic12 duellists10 enamelist11 enlistees9 enlisters9 enlisting10 fabulists14 facialist14 fatalists12 feudalist13 fidelista13 filisters12 fillister12 finalists12 fiscalist14 formalist14 formulist14 frontlist12 frugalist13 glistened11 glistered11 globalist12 graylists13 greylists13 handlists13 helistops14 herbalist14 homilists14 idealists10 idyllists13 junglists17 kabalists15 kabbalist17 labellist11 legalists10 libelists11 listboxes18 listeners9 listening10 listerial9 listerias9 listservs12 localists11 longlists10 loyalists12 masculist13 medalists12 medallist12 mentalist11 metalists11 metallist11 modalists12 modelists12 modellist12 moralists11 muralists11 mutualist11 nephalist14 niellists9 nihilists12 novelists12 orlistats9 panelists11 panellist11 papalists13 pastelist11 phallists14 philistia14 pianolist11 playlists14 pluralist11 populists13 profilist14 pugilists12 qabalists20 racialist11 realistic11 recyclist16 reenlists9 regalists10 relisting10 ritualist9 royalists12 ruralists9 sciolists11 serialist9 sexualist16 shitlists12 shortlist12 simpliste13 simplists13 socialist11 sodalists10 spiralist11 stocklist15 stylistic14 symbolist16 tactilist11 totalists9 trialists9 triallist9 tribalist11 troilists9
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