Refried is valid Scrabble Word

Is refried a scrabble word?
Official Scrabble Players Dictionary YES
Official Tournament and Club Word List YES
Collins Scrabble Words YES
Is refried valid Words with Friends?
Words with Friends YES

Definitions for REFRIED in dictionary:

Words related to REFRIED

refries10 refry11 refrying15

Similar words containing FRI without suffix ed and without prefix re

frib9 frig8 fris7 frit7 friz16 afrit8 friar8 fribs10 fried9 frier8 fries8 frigs9 frill8 frise8 frisk12 frist8 frith11 frits8 fritt8 fritz17 frize17 frizz26 afrits9 friand10 friars9 friary12 fricht14 fricot11 fridge11 friend10 friers9 frieze18 friges10 fright13 frigid11 frigot10 frijol16 frills9 frilly12 fringe10 fringy13 fripon11 frisee9 frises9 friska13 frisks13 frisky16 frists9 frites9 friths12 fritts9 frivol12 frized19 frizer18 frizes18 frizzy30 friable12 friande11 friands11 friarly13 fribble14 frichts15 fricots12 fridged13 fridges12 friends11 friezed20 friezes19 frigate11 frigged13 frigger12 frights14 frigots11 frijole17 frilled11 friller10 fringed12 fringes11 fripons12 fripper14 frippet14 frisbee12 frisees10 friseur10 friskas14 frisked15 frisker14 frisket14 frisson10 fristed11 frisure10 fritfly16 fritted11 fritter10 friture10 fritzed20 fritzes19 frivols13 frizado20 frizers19 frizing20 frizzed29 frizzer28 frizzes28 frizzle28 frizzly31 refries10 affright18 befriend14 befringe14 belfried14 belfries13 defriend13 friandes12 friaries11 fribbled16 fribbler15 fribbles15 fricadel14 fricando14 frichted17 fricking18 friction13 fridging14 friended13 friendly15 friezing21 frigates12 friggers13 frigging14 frighted16 frighten15 frigider13 frigidly16 frijoles18 frillers11 frillery14 frillier11 frillies11 frilling12 fringier12 fringing13 frippers15 frippery18 frippets15 frisbees13 frisette11 friseurs11 friskers15 friskets15 friskful18 friskier15 friskily18 frisking16 frissons11 fristing12 frisures11 frittata11 fritters11 fritting12 fritures11 fritzing21 friulano11 frivoled15 frivoler14 frizados21 frizette20 frizzers29 frizzier29 frizzies29 frizzily32 frizzing30 frizzled30 frizzler29 frizzles29 infringe12 panfried14 panfries13 refringe12 surfride12 unfriend12 affricate17 affrights19 befriends15 befringed16 befringes15 boyfriend18 chiefries17 defriends14 friarbird15 fribblers16 fribbling17 fribblish19 fricadels15 fricassee14 fricative17 frichting18 frictions14 friedcake19 friending14 frigatoon13 friggings15 frightens16 frightful19 frighting17 frigidest14 frigidity17 frikkadel21 frilliest12 frillings13 fringiest13 fringings14 fripperer16 frisettes12 friskiest16 friskings17 fritflies15 frithborh20 frittatas12 frittered13 fritterer12 friulanos12 frivolers15 frivoling16 frivolity18 frivolled16 frivoller15 frivolous15 frizettes21 frizzante30 frizziest30 frizzlers30 frizzlier30 frizzling31 infringed14 infringer13 infringes13 refringed14 refringes13 surfrider13 surfrides13 unfriends13 penfriend15 affricated19 affricates18 affrighted21 affrighten20 befriended17 befriender16 befringing17 boyfriends19 defriended16 dentifrice16 friability18 friarbirds16 fricandeau16 fricandoes16 fricasseed16 fricassees15 fricatives18 frictional15 friedcakes20 friendings15 friendless14 friendlier14 friendlies14 friendlily17 friendship19 friezelike26 frigatoons14 frightened18 frightener17 frightsome19 frigidaria15 frigidness15 frigorific19 frikkadels22 frilleries13 frilliness13 fringeless14 fringillid15 fripperers17 fripperies17 friskiness17 friskingly21 frithborhs21 frithsoken20 frithstool16 fritillary16 fritterers13 frittering14 frivollers16 frivolling17 frizziness31 frizzliest31 girlfriend15 infringers14 infringing15 refringent14 refringing15
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