Refi is valid Scrabble Word

Is refi a scrabble word?
Official Scrabble Players Dictionary NO
Official Tournament and Club Word List NO
Collins Scrabble Words YES
Is refi valid Words with Friends?
Words with Friends NO

Definitions for REFI in dictionary:

Words related to REFI


Words that contain REFI

refis8 refit8 refix15 prefix18 refile9 refill9 refilm11 refind10 refine9 refire9 refits9 arefied11 arefies10 barefit12 prefile12 prefire12 refight14 refiled11 refiles10 refills10 refilms12 refinds11 refined11 refiner10 refines10 refired11 refires10 refixed18 refixes17 prefight17 prefiled14 prefiles13 prefired14 prefires13 prefixal20 prefixed21 prefixes20 rarefied12 rarefier11 rarefies11 refights15 refigure12 refiling12 refilled12 refilmed14 refilter11 refiners11 refinery14 refining12 refinish14 refiring12 refitted12 refixing19 surefire11 fibrefill17 firefight19 prefigure15 prefiling15 prefilled15 prefiring15 prefixing22 prefixion21 putrefied15 putrefier14 putrefies14 rarefiers12 refigured14 refigures13 refilling13 refilming15 refilters12 refinable14 refinance14 refinding14 refinedly16 refinings13 refitment14 refitting13 serrefile12 torrefied13 torrefies12 unrefined13 fibrefills18 firefights20 forefinger17 overrefine16 prefigured17 prefigures16 prefinance17 prefixally25 prefixions22 prefixture22 putrefiers15 rarefiable15 refighting18 refiguring15 refillable15 refiltered14 refinanced16 refinances15 refinement15 Show more ...
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