Redated is valid Scrabble Word

Is redated a scrabble word?
Official Scrabble Players Dictionary YES
Official Tournament and Club Word List YES
Collins Scrabble Words YES
Is redated valid Words with Friends?
Words with Friends YES

Definitions for REDATED in dictionary:

Words related to REDATED

redate7 redates8 redating10

Words that contain REDATED

predated12 foredated14 depredated15 exheredated23

Similar words containing DAT without suffix ed and without prefix re

data5 date5 dato5 datal6 dated7 dater6 dates6 datos6 datto6 datum8 datals7 datary10 datcha12 daters7 dating8 dative10 dattos7 datums9 datura7 ibadat9 iodate7 nidate7 pedate9 redate7 sedate7 sudate7 undate7 update9 airdate8 biodata10 caudate10 cordate10 datable10 databus10 dataria8 datchas13 datedly12 datings9 datival11 datives11 daturas8 daturic10 deodate9 exudate15 geodata9 gradate9 hydatid15 iodated9 iodates8 mandate10 misdate10 nidated9 nidates8 nodated9 ondatra8 outdate8 oxidate15 predate10 redates8 sedated9 sedater8 sedates8 sudated9 sudates8 undated9 updated11 updater10 updates10 undates8 acaudate11 airdates9 antedate9 backdate17 caudated12 caudates11 chordate14 databank15 database11 datacard12 dataflow15 datagram12 dataller9 datarias9 dataries9 dateable11 datebook15 dateless9 dateline9 datively15 datolite9 daturine9 denudate10 deodates10 ecaudate11 emendate11 exudates16 foredate12 gradated11 gradates10 gradatim12 hydatids16 hydatoid16 incudate11 inundate9 iodating10 iodation9 lapidate11 laudator9 mandated12 mandates11 mandator11 metadata11 misdated12 misdates11 nidating10 nidation9 nodation9 nudation9 ondatras9 outdated10 outdates9 oxidated17 oxidates16 pedately14 playdate14 postdate11 predated12 predates11 predator11 raindate9 redating10 samizdat20 scordato11 sedately12 sedatest9 sedating10 sedation9 sedative12 solidate9 sudating10 sudation9 sudatory12 updaters11 updating12 validate12 vanadate12 viewdata15 undating10 antedated11 antedates10 backdated19 backdates18 birthdate15 candidate13 caudation12 chordates15 concordat14 cordately15 cuspidate14 databanks16 databased13 databases12 databuses12 datacards13 datacomms16 dataglove14 datagrams13 datallers10 datebooks16 datedness11 datelined11 datelines10 datolites10 daturines10 decaudate13 denudated12 denudates11 deoxidate18 depredate13 elucidate12 emendated13 emendates12 emendator12 excaudate19 exudation17 exudative20 fecundate15 feudatory16 foredated14 foredates13 gradating12 gradation11 gradatory14 hydathode20 inundated11 inundates10 inundator10 iodations10 lapidated13 lapidates12 laudation10 laudative13 laudators10 laudatory13 liquidate19 mandatary15 mandating13 mandators12 mandatory15 metadatas12 misdating13 molybdate17 nidations10 nodations10 nudations10 obcordate14 outdating11 overdated14 oxidating18 oxidation17 oxidative20 pandation12 pedatifid16 periodate12 playdates15 postdated13 postdates12 predating13 predation12 predatism14 predative15 predators12 predatory15 raindates10 retardate10 rhipidate15 rotundate10 samizdats21 sedations10 sedatives13 solidated11 solidates10 sudations10 sudatoria10 undatable12 validated14 validates13 vanadates13 viewdatas16 validator13 updatable14 amendatory16 antedating12 backdating20 birthdates16 candidates14 caudations13 chlamydate21 chloridate16 concordats15 cuspidated16 databasing14 databusses13 datagloves15 datamation13 datelining12 decaudated15 decaudates14 denudating13 denudation12 deoxidated20 deoxidates19 depredated15 depredates14 depredator14 dilapidate14 dilucidate14 elucidated14 elucidates13 elucidator13 emendating14 emendation13 emendators13 emendatory16 exheredate21 exudations18 fecundated17 fecundates16 fecundator16 fluoridate14 foredating15 foundation14 gradations12 hydathodes21 intimidate13 inundating12 inundation11 inundators11 inundatory14 invalidate14
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