Recocking is valid Scrabble Word

Is recocking a scrabble word?
Official Scrabble Players Dictionary YES
Official Tournament and Club Word List YES
Collins Scrabble Words YES
Is recocking valid Words with Friends?
Words with Friends YES

Definitions for RECOCKING in dictionary:

Words related to RECOCKING

recock14 recocked17 recocks15

How to use RECOCKING in a sentence

Similar words containing COCK without suffix ing and without prefix re

cock12 acock13 cocks13 cocky16 cocked15 cocker14 cocket14 cockle14 cocksy17 cockup16 mocock16 recock14 uncock14 bawcock20 bibcock19 cockade16 cockers15 cockets15 cockeye18 cockier15 cockies15 cockily18 cocking16 cockish18 cockled16 cockler15 cockles15 cockney18 cockpit17 cockshy21 cockups17 dawcock19 gorcock16 haycock21 meacock17 mococks17 peacock17 petcock17 recocks15 seacock15 uncocks15 abricock18 apricock18 ballcock18 bawcocks21 bibcocks20 cockaded18 cockades17 cockapoo18 cockatoo16 cockbill18 cockbird19 cockboat18 cockcrow21 cockered17 cockerel16 cockeyed20 cockeyes19 cockiest16 cocklers16 cocklike20 cockling17 cockloft19 cockneys19 cocknify22 cockpits18 cockshot19 cockshut19 cocksier16 cocksman18 cocksmen18 cockspur18 cocksure16 cocktail16 coldcock19 dawcocks20 gamecock19 gorcocks17 haycocks22 meacocks18 moorcock18 peacocks18 peacocky21 petcocks18 princock18 recocked17 seacocks16 stopcock18 turncock16 uncocked17 woodcock20 abricocks19 apricocks19 ballcocks19 billycock22 blackcock25 cockamamy24 cockapoos19 cockateel17 cockatiel17 cockatoos17 cockbills19 cockbirds20 cockboats19 cockcrows22 cockerels17 cockering18 cockfight24 cockhorse20 cockiness17 cocklebur19 cockleert17 cockleman19 cocklemen19 cocklings18 cocklofts20 cockmatch24 cockneyfy26 cockroach22 cockscomb23 cocksfoot20 cockshies20 cockshots20 cockshuts20 cocksiest17 cockspurs19 cockswain20 cocktails17 coldcocks20 gamecocks20 heathcock23 moorcocks19 peacocked20 pillicock19 pinchcock24 poppycock26 princocks19 stopcocks19 stormcock19 turncocks17 uncocking18 woodcocks21 billycocks23 blackcocks26 cockabully23 cockalorum20 cockamamie22 cockateels18 cockatiels18 cockatrice20 cockbilled21 cockchafer26 cockernony21 cockeyedly25 cockfights25 cockhorses21 cockleboat20 cockleburs20 cockleerts18 cockneydom24 cockneyish24 cockneyism23 cocknified22 cocknifies21 cockscombs24 cocksfoots21 cocksiness18 cocksucker24 cocksurely21 cockswains21 cocktailed19 cockteaser18 cockyleeky28 coldcocked22 corncockle20 heathcocks24 patchcocke25 peacockery23 peacockier20 peacocking21 peacockish23 pillicocks20 pinchcocks25 poppycocks27 spatchcock25 spitchcock25 stormcocks20 cockaleekie23 cockalorums21 cockatrices21 cockbilling22 cockchafers27 cockcrowing25 cockinesses19 cockleboats21 cockleshell22 cockmatches26 cockneydoms25 cockneyfied26 cockneyfies25 cockneyisms24 cocknifying26 cockroaches24 cocksuckers25 cockswained23 cocktailing20 cockteasers19 coldcocking23 corncockles21 patchcockes26 peacockiest21 shuttlecock22 spatchcocks26 spitchcocks26 weathercock25 cockamamier23 cockabullies22 cockaleekies24 cockcrowings26 cockernonies20 cockeyedness24 cockfighting28 cockieleekie24 cockleshells23 cockneyfying30 cocksinesses20 cocksureness20 cockswaining24 cockthrowing27 cockyleekies27 peacockeries22 shuttlecocks23 spatchcocked28 spitchcocked28 weathercocks26 cockamamiest24 cockfightings29 cockieleekies25 cockthrowings28 shuttlecocked25 spatchcocking29 spitchcocking29 weathercocked28 cockeyednesses26 cocknification27 cocksurenesses22 shuttlecocking26 weathercocking29 cockneyfication31 cocknifications28
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