Recenter is valid Scrabble Word

Is recenter a scrabble word?
Official Scrabble Players Dictionary YES
Official Tournament and Club Word List YES
Collins Scrabble Words YES
Is recenter valid Words with Friends?
Words with Friends YES

Definitions for RECENTER in dictionary:

Words related to RECENTER

recent8 recentest11

Similar words containing CENT without suffix er and without prefix re

cent6 cento7 cents7 centu7 scent7 accent10 ascent8 centai8 cental8 centas8 center8 centos8 centra8 centre8 centry11 centum10 decent9 docent9 incent8 jacent15 lucent8 nocent8 recent8 scents8 accents11 ascents9 centage10 centals9 centare9 centaur9 centavo12 centers9 centile9 centime11 centimo11 centner9 central9 centred10 centres9 centric11 centrum11 centums11 century12 concent11 descent10 docents10 incents9 licente9 nascent9 nocents9 percent11 precent11 scented10 centrex16 abducent13 accented13 accentor12 acentric12 acescent12 adducent12 adjacent18 centages11 centares10 centaurs10 centaury13 centavos13 centered11 centeses10 centesis10 centiare10 centiles10 centimes12 centimos12 centinel10 centners10 centoist10 centonel10 centones10 centrals10 centries10 centring11 centrism12 centrist10 centrode11 centroid11 centrums12 centuple12 concents12 crescent12 decenter11 decently14 decentre11 descents11 dicentra11 duecento11 incented11 incenter10 incentre10 indecent11 innocent10 lucently13 nocently13 percents12 placenta12 precents12 reaccent12 reascent10 recently13 recentre10 relucent10 reticent10 scentful13 scenting11 seicento10 trecento10 undecent11 accenting14 accentors13 accentual13 acentrics13 acescents13 adjacents19 adnascent12 albescent13 bicentric15 bucentaur13 calescent13 canescent13 centaurea11 centauric13 centenary14 centenier11 centering12 centesimi13 centesimo13 centiares11 centigram14 centinell11 centinels11 centipede14 centoists11 centonate11 centonell11 centonels11 centonist11 centraler11 centrally14 centreing12 centrical13 centrings12 centriole11 centrisms13 centrists11 centrodes12 centroids12 centumvir16 centupled14 centuples13 centurial11 centuries11 centurion11 concenter13 concentre13 concentus13 conticent13 crescents13 daycentre15 decenters12 decentest12 decentred13 decentres12 dehiscent15 demulcent14 dicentras12 dicentric14 duecentos12 eccentric15 epicenter13 epicentra13 epicentre13 excentric20 fatiscent14 ignescent12 incenters11 incenting12 incentive14 incentres11 innocents11 jobcentre20 latescent11 lutescent11 percental13 placentae13 placental13 placentas13 precented14 precentor13 pubescent15 quiescent20 reaccents13 reascents11 recentest11 recentred12 recentres11 renascent11 rubescent13 rufescent14 scentings12 scentless11 seicentos11 senescent11 subcenter13 subcentre13 subjacent20 succentor13 tabescent13 trecentos11 tumescent13 unscented12 virescent14 centreman13 centremen13 abducentes15 accentless14 accentuate14 accrescent16 adjacently23 adolescent13 aplacental14 barycentre17 beneficent17 bucentaurs14 candescent15 caulescent14 centaureas12 centaurian12 centauries12 centeniers12 centennial12 centerfold16 centerings13 centerless12 centerline12 centesimal14 centesimos14 centigrade14 centigrams15 centiliter12 centilitre12 centillion12 centimeter14 centimetre14 centinells12 centipedes15 centipoise14 centonates12 centonells12 centonists12 centralest12 centralise12 centralism14 centralist12 centrality15 centralize21 centrefold16 centreings13 centreless12 centreline12 centricity17 centrifuge16 centrioles12 centroidal13 centromere14 centrosome14 centumviri17 centumvirs17 centupling15 centurions12 coadjacent22 coalescent14 complacent18 concenters14 concentred15 concentres14 concentric16 connascent14 conoscente14 conoscenti14 crescented15 crescentic16 daycentres16 decentered14 decentness13 decentring14 decrescent15 demulcents15 dicentrics15 docentship18 eccentrics16 ecocentric16
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