Recals is valid Scrabble Word

Is recals a scrabble word?
Official Scrabble Players Dictionary NO
Official Tournament and Club Word List NO
Collins Scrabble Words YES
Is recals valid Words with Friends?
Words with Friends NO

Definitions for RECALS in dictionary:

Words related to RECALS

recal7 recall8

Similar words containing CAL without suffix s and without prefix re

cal5 calf9 calk10 call6 calm8 calo6 calp8 calx13 cals6 calfs10 calid8 calif10 calix14 calks11 calla7 calls7 calms9 calmy12 calos7 calpa9 calps9 calve10 calyx17 cecal9 decal8 ducal8 fecal10 focal10 jacal14 local7 pical9 recal7 scala7 scald8 scale7 scall7 scalp9 scaly10 tical7 vocal10 afocal11 apical10 becall10 becalm12 buccal12 caecal10 calalu8 calami10 calash11 calcar10 calced11 calces10 calcic12 calefy14 calesa8 calico10 califs11 caligo9 calima10 caliph13 calked13 calker12 calkin12 callan8 callas8 called9 callee8 caller8 callet8 callid9 callop10 callow11 callus8 calmed11 calmer10 calmly13 calory11 calpac12 calpas10 calque17 caltha11 calved12 calver11 calves11 calxes15 cercal10 cicala10 cicale10 coccal12 coucal10 decals9 discal9 encalm10 epical10 faecal11 faucal11 fiscal11 furcal11 jacals15 laical8 locale8 locals8 mescal10 mezcal19 pascal10 paucal10 plical10 rascal8 recall8 scalae8 scalar8 scalds9 scaled9 scaler8 scales8 scalls8 scally11 scalps10 sulcal8 thecal11 ticals8 tincal8 vocals11 zocalo17 acaleph14 alcalde10 antical9 apicals11 bacalao11 baccala13 becalls11 becalms13 bifocal14 calaloo9 calalus9 calamar11 calamus11 calando10 calathi12 calcars11 calcify17 calcine11 calcite11 calcium13 calculi11 caldera10 caldron10 caleche14 calends10 calesas9 caliber11 calibre11 calices11 caliche14 calicle11 calicos11 caligos10 calimas11 calipee11 caliper11 caliphs14 caliver12 calixes16 calkers13 calking14 calkins13 callais9 callans9 callant9 callboy14 callees9 callers9 callets9 calling10 callops11 callose9 callous9 callout9 callows12 calluna9 calmant11 calmest11 calmier11 calming12 calomel11 caloric11 calorie9 calotte9 caloyer12 calpack17 calpacs13 calpain11 calqued19 calques18 calthas12 caltrap11 caltrop11 calumba13 calumet11 calumny14 calvary15 calvers12 calving13 calyces14 calycle14 calypso14 calyxes19 calzone18 calzoni18 caracal11 catcall11 cecally14 cicalas11 cloacal11 comical13 conical11 coucals11 cubical13 cynical14 decaled11 decalog11 descale10 domical12 ducally13 encalms11 escalop11 ethical12 faucals12 finical12 fiscals12 focally15 helical12 jacales16 lexical16 locales9 locally12 logical10 lyrical12 magical12 mancala11 medical12 mescals11 metical11 mezcals20 mimical13 miscall11 musical11 nodical10 optical11 outcall9 pascals11 paucals11 pedocal12 percale11 radical10 rascals9 recalls9 rescale9 scalade10 scalado10 scalage10 scalare9 scalars9 scalded11 scalder10 scaldic12 scalene9 scaleni9 scalers9 scaleup11 scalier9 scaling10 scalled10 scallop11 scalped12 scalpel11 scalper11 sinical9 stoical9 tincals9 topical11 toxical16 truncal9 typical14 unscale9 unvocal12 upscale11 vatical12 vesical12 vocalic14 vocally15 zocalos18 midcalf15 abapical14 acalephe15 acalephs15 alcaldes11 alogical11 apically15 atomical12
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