Rec is valid Scrabble Word

Is rec a scrabble word?
Official Scrabble Players Dictionary YES
Official Tournament and Club Word List YES
Collins Scrabble Words YES
Is rec valid Words with Friends?
Words with Friends YES

Definitions for REC in dictionary:

Words related to REC


Words that contain REC

reck10 recs6 areca7 dreck12 erect7 grece8 recal7 recap9 recce9 recco9 reccy12 recit7 recks11 recon7 recta7 recti7 recto7 recur7 recut7 treck11 varec10 wreck14 recue7 arecas8 arrect8 creche13 direct9 drecks13 drecky16 erects8 greces9 preces10 precip12 precis10 precut10 recall8 recals8 recane8 recant8 recaps10 recast8 recced11 recces10 reccos10 recede9 recent8 recept10 recess8 rechew14 rechie11 rechip13 recipe10 recite8 recits8 reckan12 recked13 reckon12 reclad9 recoal8 recoat8 recock14 recode9 recoil8 recoin8 recomb12 recons8 recook12 recopy13 record9 recork12 recoup10 rectal8 rector8 rectos8 rectum10 rectus8 recule8 recure8 recurs8 recuse8 recuts8 tanrec8 tenrec8 trecks12 varech14 varecs11 wrecks15 breccia13 brecham16 brechan14 carrect11 coerect11 correct11 creches14 derecho13 directs10 erected10 erecter9 erectly12 erector9 forecar12 freckle16 freckly19 grecian10 grecise10 grecize19 grecque19 orectic11 porrect11 precast11 precava14 precede12 precent11 precept13 precess11 precipe13 precips13 precise11 precode12 precook15 precool11 precoup13 precure11 precuts11 recalls9 recaned10 recanes9 recants9 recarry12 recasts9 recatch14 recceed12 reccied12 reccies11 receded11 recedes10 receipt11 receive12 recency14 recense9 recepts11 rechart12 rechate12 recheat12 recheck18 rechews15 rechips14 rechose12 recipes11 recital9 recited10 reciter9 recites9 reckans13 recking14 reckons13 reclads10 reclaim11 reclame11 reclasp11 reclean9 reclimb13 recline9 reclose9 recluse9 recoals9 recoats9 recocks15 recoded11 recodes10 recoils9 recoins9 recolor9 recombs13 recooks13 records10 recorks13 recount9 recoupe11 recoups11 recoure9 recover12 recower12 recoyle12 recrate9 recross9 recrown12 recruit9 rectify15 rection9 rectors9 rectory12 rectrix16 rectums11 recuile9 reculed10 recules9 recured10 recures9 recurve12 recusal9 recused10 recuses9 recycle14 reerect9 secrecy14 tanrecs9 tenrecs9 trecked14 varechs15 wrecked17 wrecker16 borecole12 breccial14 breccias14 brechams17 brechans15 carrects12 codirect13 coerects12 corrects12 derechos14 directed12 directer11 directly14 director11 dreckier15 dreckish18 erecters10 erectile10 erecting11 erection10 erective13 erectors10 fireclay16 forecars13 forecast13 freckled18 freckles17 grecians11 grecised12 grecises11 grecized21 grecizes20 grecques20 indirect11 orective13 owrecame15 owrecome15 parecism14 porrects12 precasts12 precavae15 precaval15 preceded14 precedes13 preceese12 precents12 precepit14 precepts14 precheck21 prechill15 prechose15 precieux19 precinct14 precious12 precipes14 precised13 preciser12 precises12 precited13 preclean12 preclear12 preclude13 precoded14 precodes13 precooks16 precools12 precrash15 precured13 precures12 precurse12 precycle17 preerect12 recalled11 recaller10 recamier12 recaning11 recanted11 recanter10 recapped15 recaptor12 recarpet12 recaught14 recceing13 reccying16 receding12 receipts12 receival13 received14
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