Rebored is valid Scrabble Word

Is rebored a scrabble word?
Official Scrabble Players Dictionary YES
Official Tournament and Club Word List YES
Collins Scrabble Words YES
Is rebored valid Words with Friends?
Words with Friends YES

Definitions for REBORED in dictionary:

Words related to REBORED

rebore8 rebores9 reboring11

How to use REBORED in a sentence

Similar words containing BOR without suffix ed and without prefix re

bor5 bora6 bord7 bore6 bork10 borm8 born6 bors6 bort6 abord8 abore7 abort7 arbor7 borak11 boral7 boras7 borax14 borde8 bords8 bored8 boree7 borel7 borer7 bores7 borgo8 boric9 borks11 borms9 borna7 borne7 boron7 borts7 borty10 bortz16 labor7 tabor7 ybore10 aboral8 abords9 aborne8 aborts8 arbors8 borage9 boraks12 borals8 borane8 borate8 bordar9 bordel9 border9 bordes9 boreal8 boreas8 boreen8 borees8 borels8 borers8 borgos9 boride9 boring9 borked13 bormed11 bornyl11 borons8 borrel8 borrow11 borsch13 borsht11 borsic10 borzoi17 cyborg14 harbor11 inborn8 labors8 rebore8 reborn8 suborn8 tabors8 unbore8 unborn8 upbore10 aborded11 aborted10 abortee9 aborter9 abortus9 arbored10 arbores9 arboret9 arborio9 belabor11 bombora13 boraces11 boracic13 borages10 boranes9 borated10 borates9 boraxes16 borazon18 bordars10 bordels10 borders10 bordure10 boredom12 boreens9 borides10 borings10 borking14 borming12 borneol9 bornite9 bornyls12 boronia9 boronic11 borough13 borrell9 borrows12 borscht14 borshch17 borshts12 borsics11 borstal9 bortier9 bortsch14 bortzes18 borzois18 carbora11 ciboria11 cyborgs15 forbore12 hagborn13 harbors12 labored10 laborer9 lowborn12 misborn11 newborn12 preborn11 rasbora9 rebores9 skyborn16 suboral9 suborns9 tabored10 taborer9 taboret9 taborin9 unborne9 upborne11 aborally13 abording12 aborigen11 aborigin11 aborning11 abortees10 aborters10 aborting11 abortion10 abortive13 airborne10 arboreal10 arboreta10 arborets10 arborios10 arborise10 arborist10 arborize19 arborous10 baseborn12 belabors12 bomboras14 borachio15 boracite12 borating11 borazons19 bordeaux18 bordello11 bordered12 borderer11 bordures11 borealis10 boreases10 borecole12 boredoms13 borehole13 boresome12 boringly14 borkings15 borlotti10 borneols10 bornites10 bornitic12 boronias10 boroughs14 borrelia10 borrowed14 borrower13 borsches15 borschts15 borstall10 borstals10 bortiest10 carboras12 carborne12 ciborium14 drawbore14 emborder13 forborne13 freeborn13 harbored14 harborer13 highborn17 imborder13 jamboree19 laborers10 laboring11 laborism12 laborist10 laborite10 lastborn10 mislabor12 neighbor14 newborns13 nonlabor10 overbore13 overborn13 prolabor12 rasboras10 reboring11 reborrow13 roborant10 seaborne10 skyborne17 stubborn12 suborder11 suborned11 suborner10 taborers10 taborets10 taborine10 taboring11 taborins10 trueborn10 twinborn13 uroboric12 uroboros10 wellborn13 zomboruk25 perboric14 aborigens12 aborigine12 aborigins12 abortions11 abortuary14 abortuses11 antilabor11 arboreous11 arboretum13 arborised12 arborises11 arborists11 arborized21 arborizes20 belabored14 borachios16 boracites13 bordellos12 bordereau12 borderers12 bordering13 borecoles13 boreholes14 borescope15 borghetto15 borrelias11 borrowers14 borrowing15 borshches19 borstalls11 bortsches16 chokebore20 corkborer17 cornborer13 drawbores15 earthborn14 elaborate11 emborders14 firstborn14 foilborne14 frithborh20 harborage15 harborers14 harborful17 harboring15 harborous14 heliborne14 hellebore14 herborise14 herborist14
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