Prenting is valid Scrabble Word

Is prenting a scrabble word?
Official Scrabble Players Dictionary NO
Official Tournament and Club Word List NO
Collins Scrabble Words YES
Is prenting valid Words with Friends?
Words with Friends NO

Definitions for PRENTING in dictionary:

Words related to PRENTING


Words that contain PRENTING


Similar words containing NT without suffix ing and without prefix pre

ant3 nth6 anta4 ante4 anti4 ants4 aunt4 bant6 bent6 bint6 bunt6 cant6 cent6 cunt6 dant5 dent5 dint5 dunt5 ents4 fent7 font7 gant5 gent5 hant7 hent7 hint7 hunt7 inti4 into4 kant8 kent8 lant4 lent4 lint4 lunt4 ment6 mint6 munt6 oint4 onto4 oont4 pant6 pent6 pint6 pont6 punt6 rant4 rent4 ront4 runt4 sant4 sent4 tent4 tint4 unto4 vant7 vent7 vint7 want7 went7 wont7 yont7 aint4 agent6 ahent8 ahint8 alant5 ament7 anent5 antae5 antar5 antas5 anted6 antes5 antic7 antis5 antra5 antre5 antsy8 aunts5 aunty8 avant8 ayont8 bants7 bantu7 banty10 bento7 bents7 benty10 bints7 biont7 blent7 blunt7 brant7 brent7 brunt7 bunts7 bunty10 burnt7 canto7 cants7 canty10 cento7 cents7 centu7 chant10 clint7 conte7 conto7 count7 cunts7 daint6 dants6 daunt6 daynt9 dents6 dints6 drant6 drent6 dunts6 elint5 enter5 entia5 entry8 event8 faint8 feint8 fents8 fient8 flint8 fonts8 fount8 front8 gants6 gaunt6 gents6 genty9 giant6 glent6 glint6 grant6 grunt6 haint8 hants8 haunt8 hents8 hiant8 hints8 hunts8 idant6 ident6 intel5 inter5 intil5 intis5 intra5 intro5 janty15 jaunt12 joint12 jonty15 junta12 junto12 kants9 kente9 kents9 lants5 larnt5 leant5 lenti5 lento5 lints5 linty8 lunts5 manta7 manto7 manty10 meant7 meint7 menta7 mento7 meynt10 mints7 minty10 monte7 month10 monty10 mount7 munts7 muntu7 naunt5 ninth8 noint5 oints5 olent5 ontic7 oonts5 orant5 paint7 panto7 pants7 panty10 pents7 pinta7 pinto7 pints7 plant7 point7 ponts7 ponty10 poynt10 prent7 print7 prunt7 punto7 punts7 punty10 quant14 quint14 rants5 rente5 rents5 riant5 ronte5 ronts5 runts5 runty8 saint5 santo5 sants5 saunt5 scant7 scent7 sente5 senti5 sents5 shent8 shunt8 sient5 skint9 slant5 spent7 stent5 stint5 stunt5 suent5 suint5 synth11 taint5 tanti5 tanto5 taunt5 tenth8 tents5 tenty8 tints5 tinty8 trant5 untax12 untie5 until5 untin5 urent5 vants8 vaunt8 vents8 vints8 wants8 wanty11 wents8 wonts8 yenta8 yente8 yrent8 zante14 turnt5 fenty11 tanty8 earnt5 venti8 shant8 dente6 absent8 acanth11 accent10 actant8 advent10 afront9 agents7 aidant7 alants6 amenta8 aments8 amount8 anoint6 antara6 antars6 anteed7 anthem11 anther9
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