Preexcite is valid Scrabble Word

Is preexcite a scrabble word?
Official Scrabble Players Dictionary NO
Official Tournament and Club Word List YES
Collins Scrabble Words YES
Is preexcite valid Words with Friends?
Words with Friends NO

Definitions for PREEXCITE in dictionary:

Words related to PREEXCITE

preexcited22 preexcites21 preexciting23

Words that contain PREEXCITE

preexcited22 preexcites21

Similar words containing EXC without suffix ite and without prefix pre

excel14 excamb19 exceed16 excels15 except17 excess15 excide16 excise15 excite15 excuse15 excambs20 exceeds17 excepts18 excerpt18 excheat19 excided18 excides17 excimer18 exciple18 excised17 excises16 excited17 exciter16 excites16 exciton16 excitor16 exclaim18 exclave19 exclude17 excreta16 excrete16 excudit17 excurse16 excusal16 excused17 excuser16 excuses16 excambed22 excavate20 exceeded19 exceeder18 excelled18 excepted20 exceptor19 excerpta19 excerpts19 excessed18 excesses17 exchange21 excheats20 exciding19 excimers19 exciples19 excising18 excision17 excitant17 exciters17 exciting18 excitons17 excitors17 exclaims19 exclaves20 excluded19 excludee18 excluder18 excludes18 excretal17 excreted18 excreter17 excretes17 excubant19 excursed18 excurses17 excursus17 excusals17 excusers17 excusing18 excusive20 excambing23 excambion22 excambium24 excarnate18 excaudate19 excavated22 excavates21 excavator21 exceeders19 exceeding20 excellent18 excelling19 excelsior18 excentric20 exceptant20 excepting21 exception20 exceptive23 exceptors20 excerpted21 excerpter20 excerptor20 excerptum22 excessing19 excessive21 exchanged23 exchanger22 exchanges22 exchequer30 excipient20 excisable20 exciseman20 excisemen20 excisions18 excitable20 excitably23 excitancy23 excitants18 excitedly22 excitonic20 exclaimed21 exclaimer20 exclosure18 excludees19 excluders19 excluding20 exclusion18 exclusive21 exclusory21 excoriate18 excrement20 excreters18 excreting19 excretion18 excretive21 excretory21 exculpate20 excurrent18 excursing19 excursion18 excursive21 excusable20 excusably23 unexcited19 unexcused19 sexcapade21 excambions23 excambiums25 excarnated20 excarnates19 excavating23 excavation22 excavators22 exceedable22 excellence21 excellency24 excelsiors19 excentrics21 exceptants21 exceptions21 exceptious21 exceptless21 excerpters21 excerpting22 excerption21 excerptors21 exchangers23 exchanging24 exchequers31 excipients21 excisional19 excitation19 excitative22 excitatory22 excitement21 excitingly23 exclaimers21 exclaiming22 exclosures19 excludable22 excludible22 exclusions19 exclusives22 excogitate20 excoriated20 excoriates19 excrementa21 excrements21 excrescent21 excretions19 excruciate21 exculpable23 exculpated22 exculpates21 excursions19 excursuses19 excusatory22 overexcite22 preexcited22 preexcites21 unexcelled20 unexciting20 unexcluded21 exceedance22 exceedence22 sexcapades22 excarnating21 excarnation20 excavations23 exceedingly25 excellences22 excellently23 exceptional22 excerptible24 excerptings23 excerptions22 excessively26 exchequered33 excitancies22 excitations20 excitedness21 excitements22 exclamation22 exclamative25 exclamatory25 exclusively26 exclusivism25 exclusivist23 exclusivity26 excogitable23 excogitated22 excogitates21 excogitator21 excommunion24 excoriating21 excoriation20 excorticate22 excremental22 excrementum24 excrescence24 excrescency27 excretories20 excruciated23 excruciates22 exculpating23 exculpation22 exculpatory25 excursioned21 excursively26 inexcitable22 inexcusable22 inexcusably25 overexcited24 overexcites23 preexciting23 unexcavated24 unexcitable22 unexclusive23 exceedances23 exceedences23 unexcitedly24 excarnations21 excavational24 excellencies23 exceptionals23 exchangeable27 exchangeably30 exchequering34 excitability26 exclamations23 exclamatives26 exclusionary24 exclusionism23 exclusionist21 exclusivisms26 exclusivists24 excogitating23 excogitation22 excogitative25 excogitators22 excommunions25 excoriations21 excorticated24 excorticates23 excrescences25 excrescently26 excruciating24 excruciation23 exculpations23 excursioning22 excursionise21 excursionist21 excursionize30 hyperexcited30 nonexclusive24 overexciting25 photoexcited27 sexcentenary24 unexcitingly25 exceptionable26 exceptionably29 exceptionally27
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