Posturising is valid Scrabble Word

Is posturising a scrabble word?
Official Scrabble Players Dictionary NO
Official Tournament and Club Word List NO
Collins Scrabble Words YES
Is posturising valid Words with Friends?
Words with Friends NO

Definitions for POSTURISING in dictionary:

Words related to POSTURISING


Similar words containing URIS without suffix ing and without prefix post

auris5 kuris9 puris7 juris12 aurist6 cauris8 houris9 jurist13 kauris10 mauris8 purism10 purist8 tsuris6 tzuris15 aurists7 heurism12 jurists14 neurism9 nourish10 pituris9 purisms11 purists9 sourish10 tourism9 tourist7 tsouris7 turista7 aneurism10 figurist12 flourish14 futurism13 futurist11 heurisms13 juristic17 luxurist15 matsuris10 naturism10 naturist8 neurisms10 pleurisy13 plurisie10 puristic12 silurist8 tourisms10 tourista8 tourists8 touristy11 tsurises8 turistas8 tzurises17 venturis11 aneurisms11 auriscope13 auteurism11 auteurist9 bhelpuris16 carburise13 colourise11 colourism13 colourist11 culturist11 denturist10 epicurise13 epicurism15 figurists13 flourishy18 futurisms14 futurists12 heuristic14 labourism13 labourist11 luxurists16 mercurise13 naturisms11 naturists9 nourished13 nourisher12 nourishes12 petaurist11 picturise13 plurisies11 posturise11 posturist11 rapturise11 rapturist11 silurists9 sourishly15 sulfurise12 tellurise9 texturise16 touristas9 touristed10 touristic11 tsourises9 vapourish17 voyeurism17 vulturish15 vulturism14 bandurist12 denturism12 amateurish15 amateurism14 aneurismal12 auriscopes14 auriscopic16 auteurisms12 auteurists10 carburised15 carburises14 colourised13 colouriser12 colourises12 colourisms14 colourists12 culturists12 denaturise11 denturists11 ecotourism14 ecotourist12 epicurised15 epicurises14 epicurisms16 flavourist16 flourished17 flourisher16 flourishes16 futuristic15 glamourise13 heuristics15 juristical19 labourisms14 labourists12 manicurist14 matagouris13 mercurised15 mercurises14 moisturise12 naturistic12 nourishers13 nourishing14 pasteurise12 pasteurism14 pedicurist15 petaurists12 picturised15 picturises14 pleurisies12 posturised13 posturises12 posturists12 pressurise12 puristical14 rapturised13 rapturises12 rapturists12 sinecurism14 sinecurist12 sulfurised14 sulfurises13 sulphurise15 tellurised11 tellurises10 texturised18 texturises17 voyeurisms18 vulturisms15 bandurists13 denturisms13 untouristy13 touristier10 adventurism17 adventurist15 agritourism14 agritourist12 agrotourism14 agrotourist12 amateurisms15 amphigouris19 carburising16 colourisers13 colourising14 colouristic15 decarburise16 decolourise14 denaturised13 denaturises12 desulfurise15 ecotourisms15 ecotourists13 epicurising16 flavourists17 flourishers17 flourishing18 futuristics16 glamourised15 glamourises14 manicurists15 mercurising16 miniaturise13 miniaturist13 moisturised14 moisturiser13 moisturises13 nourishable16 nourishment16 overnourish17 pasteurised14 pasteuriser13 pasteurises13 pasteurisms15 pedicurists16 picturising16 pluriserial13 pressurised14 pressuriser13 pressurises13 rapturising14 saurischian16 scripturism17 scripturist15 sinecurisms15 sinecurists13 sulfurising15 sulphurised17 sulphurises16 tellurising12 texturising19 unnourished15 voyeuristic19 touristiest11 flourishier17 adventurisms18 adventurists16 agritourisms15 agritourists13 agrotourisms15 agrotourists13 amateurishly20 aneurismally17 aneurismatic16 apiculturist16 astrotourism14 astrotourist12 aviculturist17 behaviourism22 behaviourist20 caricaturist16 decarburised18 decarburises17 decolourised16 decolourises15 denaturising14 depressurise15 desulfurised17 desulfuriser16 desulfurises16 desulphurise18 glamourising16 jurisconsult21 jurisdiction22 jurisdictive25 jurisprudent22 juristically24 malnourished18 miniaturised15 miniaturises14 miniaturists14 moisturisers14 moisturising15 nourishingly19 nourishments17 overflourish21 pasteurisers14 pasteurising15 pluriseriate14 pressurisers14 pressurising15 puristically19 repressurise14 saurischians17 scripturisms18 scripturists16 shamateurism19 sulphurising18 undernourish16 unnourishing16 voluntourism17 voluntourist15 flourishiest18 acupuncturist19 adventuristic19 agriculturist16 apiculturists17 aquaculturist24 aquiculturist24 astrotourisms15 astrotourists13 aviculturists18 behaviourisms23 behaviourists21
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