Postfixal is valid Scrabble Word

Is postfixal a scrabble word?
Official Scrabble Players Dictionary NO
Official Tournament and Club Word List YES
Collins Scrabble Words YES
Is postfixal valid Words with Friends?
Words with Friends NO

Definitions for POSTFIXAL in dictionary:

Words related to POSTFIXAL


Similar words containing FIX without suffix al and without prefix post

fix13 fixt14 fixe14 affix18 enfix15 fixed16 fixer15 fixes15 fixit15 infix15 refix15 unfix15 confix18 fixate16 fixers16 fixing17 fixits16 fixity19 fixive19 fixure16 prefix18 subfix18 suffix19 unfixt16 fixies16 affixal20 affixed21 affixer20 affixes20 antefix17 enfixed18 enfixes17 fixable19 fixated18 fixates17 fixatif20 fixedly21 fixings18 fixture17 fixures17 infixed18 infixes17 postfix19 reaffix20 refixed18 refixes17 unfixed18 unfixes17 affixers21 affixial21 affixing22 antefixa18 confixed21 confixes20 crucifix22 enfixing19 fixatifs21 fixating19 fixation18 fixative21 fixature18 fixities18 fixtures18 infixing19 infixion18 prefixal20 prefixed21 prefixes20 refixing19 subfixes20 suffixal21 suffixed22 suffixes21 superfix20 transfix18 unfixing19 unfixity21 affixable24 affixment24 affixture22 antefixae19 antefixal19 antefixes19 basifixed22 confixing22 fixations19 fixatives22 fixatures19 fixedness20 infixions19 postfixed22 postfixes21 prefixing22 prefixion21 reaffixed23 reaffixes22 suffixing23 suffixion22 transfixt19 affixation23 affixments25 affixtures23 crucifixes24 dorsifixed22 infixation20 postfixing23 prefixally25 prefixions22 prefixture22 reaffixing24 suffixions23 superfixes22 transfixed21 transfixes20 unfixities20 affixations24 crucifixion25 fixednesses22 fixtureless21 infixations21 prefixtures23 suffixation24 transfixing22 transfixion21 unfixedness22 crucifixions26 suffixations25 transfixions22 unfixednesses24
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