Ped is valid Scrabble Word

Is ped a scrabble word?
Official Scrabble Players Dictionary YES
Official Tournament and Club Word List YES
Collins Scrabble Words YES
Is ped valid Words with Friends?
Words with Friends YES

Definitions for PED in dictionary:

Words related to PED

pannier9 peds7

Words that contain PED

aped7 oped7 peds7 sped7 pedi7 amped10 biped10 caped10 coped10 doped9 duped9 gaped9 hoped11 hyped14 imped10 japed15 loped8 moped10 naped8 ooped8 ouped8 pedal8 pedes8 pedro8 piped10 raped8 riped8 roped8 siped8 syped11 taped8 toped8 typed11 umped10 upped10 urped8 vaped11 wiped11 pedis8 aliped9 apedom11 beeped11 besped11 bipeds11 bopped13 bumped13 burped11 camped13 capped13 carped11 cleped11 cliped11 clyped14 comped13 cooped11 copped13 couped11 cowped14 craped11 creped11 cupped13 cusped11 damped12 dapped12 dipped12 dopped12 draped10 dumped12 dupped12 eloped9 flyped15 fopped14 fraped12 gapped12 gasped10 gauped10 gawped13 gimped12 gipped12 gooped10 gorped10 graped10 griped10 groped10 gulped10 gumped12 gymped15 gypped15 happed14 harped12 hasped12 heaped12 helped12 hesped12 hipped14 hooped12 hopped14 humped14 hupped14 hypped17 impede11 Show more ...

How to use PED in a sentence

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