Pecs is valid Scrabble Word

Is pecs a scrabble word?
Official Scrabble Players Dictionary YES
Official Tournament and Club Word List YES
Collins Scrabble Words YES
Is pecs valid Words with Friends?
Words with Friends YES

Definitions for PECS in dictionary:

Words related to PECS


Words that contain PECS

specs9 sunspecs12

Similar words containing PEC without suffix s

pec7 pech11 peck12 spec8 pecan9 pechs12 pecke13 pecks13 pecky16 speck13 specs9 spect9 aspect10 copeck16 expect17 ipecac12 kopeck18 pecans10 pechan13 peched14 pecked15 pecker14 peckes14 pecten10 pectic12 pectin10 ripeck14 rypeck17 speccy15 specie10 specks14 specky17 spects10 aspects11 copecks17 depeche15 expects18 henpeck18 inspect11 ipecacs13 kopecks19 peccant13 peccary16 peccavi16 pechans14 peching15 peckers15 peckier15 pecking16 peckish18 pectase11 pectate11 pectens11 pectins11 pectise11 pectize20 pectose11 peculia11 respect11 ripecks15 ryepeck18 rypecks18 specced14 special11 species11 specify17 specked16 speckle15 spected12 specter11 spectra11 spectre11 specula11 suspect11 alopecia12 alopecic14 aspected13 depeched17 depeches16 especial12 expected20 expecter19 flyspeck22 henpecks19 inspects12 kenspeck20 oxpecker23 peccable16 peccancy19 peccavis17 peckiest16 peckings17 pecorini12 pecorino12 pectases12 pectates12 pectinal12 pectines12 pectised13 pectises12 pectized22 pectizes21 pectoral12 pectoses12 peculate12 peculiar12 peculium14 pipeclay17 prospect14 respects12 ryepecks19 speccier14 speccies14 speccing15 specials12 speciate12 specific17 specimen14 specious12 speckier16 speckies16 specking17 speckled17 speckles16 spectate12 specters12 specting13 spectral12 spectres12 spectrin12 spectrum14 specular12 speculum14 sunspecs12 suspects12 typecase15 typecast15 pectinei12 alopecias13 alopecoid14 aspecting14 aspectual13 bespeckle19 depeching18 expectant20 expecters20 expecting21 flyspecks23 henpecked21 impeccant17 inspected14 inspector13 lipectomy18 nutpecker17 oxpeckers24 peccantly18 peccaries15 peckishly23 pecorinos13 pectinals13 pectinate13 pectineal13 pectinous13 pectising14 pectizing23 pectolite13 pectorals13 peculated14 peculates13 peculator13 peculiars13 pecuniary16 pecunious13 pipeclays18 prospects15 reinspect13 repechage17 respecify19 respected14 respecter13 specciest15 specialer13 specially16 specialty16 speciated14 speciates13 specifics18 specified17 specifier16 specifies16 specimens15 speckiest17 speckless17 speckling18 spectacle15 spectated14 spectates13 spectator13 spectrins13 spectrums15 speculate13 speculums15 suspected14 suspecter13 topectomy18 typecases16 typecasts16 unsuspect13 pectineus13 aspectable16 bespeckled21 bespeckles20 conspectus16 disrespect15 ecospecies16 especially17 expectable23 expectably26 expectance23 expectancy26 expectants21 expectedly25 expectings22 flyspecked25 henpeckery24 henpecking22 impeccable20 impeccably23 impeccancy23 inspecting15 inspection14 inspective17 inspectors14 introspect14 kenspeckle22 lumpectomy21 nutpeckers18 outspeckle18 peccadillo17 peccancies18 peckerwood22 pectinated15 pectisable16 pectizable25 pectolites14 pectorally17 peculating15 peculation14 peculators14 peculiarly17 pipeclayed20 prespecify22 prospected17 prospector16 prospectus16 reinspects14 repechages18 respectant14 respecters14 respectful17 respecting15 respective17 retrospect14 specialest14 specialise14 specialism16 specialist14 speciality17 specialize23 specialled15 speciating15 speciation14 speciesism16 speciesist14 specifical19 specifiers17 specifying21 speciocide17 speciosity17 speciously17 spectacled17 spectacles16 spectating15 spectators14 spectatrix21 spectrally17 specularly17 speculated15 speculates14 speculator14 subspecies16 suspecters14 suspectful17 suspecting15 typecaster17 unexpected22 unspecific19 vulpecular17 woodpecker22 peckerhead22
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