Parasoled is valid Scrabble Word

Is parasoled a scrabble word?
Official Scrabble Players Dictionary NO
Official Tournament and Club Word List YES
Collins Scrabble Words YES
Is parasoled valid Words with Friends?
Words with Friends NO

Definitions for PARASOLED in dictionary:

Similar words containing SOL without suffix ed and without prefix para

sol3 sola4 sold5 sole4 soli4 solo4 sols4 eusol5 lysol8 solah8 solan5 solar5 solas5 solde6 soldi6 soldo6 solds6 soled6 solei5 soler5 soles5 solid6 solon5 solos5 solum7 solus5 solve8 consol8 cresol8 eusols6 insole6 isolex13 isolog7 lysols9 podsol9 posole8 resold7 resole6 solace8 solahs9 soland7 solano6 solans6 solars6 solate6 soldan7 solder7 soldes7 solein6 solely9 solemn8 solera6 solers6 soleus6 solgel7 solidi7 solids7 soling7 solion6 solito6 solive9 sollar6 soller6 soloed7 soloes6 solons6 solums8 solute6 solved10 solver9 solves9 unsold7 upsold9 absolve12 aerosol7 anisole7 console9 consols9 creosol9 cresols9 cytosol12 girasol8 girosol8 insoles7 isolate7 isolead8 isoline7 isologs8 latosol7 midsole10 missold10 outsold8 outsole7 parasol9 plimsol11 podsols10 posoles9 presold10 regosol8 resoled8 resoles7 resolve10 rissole7 rosolio7 solaced10 solacer9 solaces9 solands8 solanin7 solanos7 solanum9 solaria7 solated8 solates7 solatia7 soldado9 soldans8 solders8 soldier8 soleras7 soleret7 solfege11 solicit9 solider8 solidly11 solidum10 solidus8 solions7 soliped10 soliton7 solives10 sollars7 sollers7 soloing8 soloist7 soluble9 solubly12 solunar7 soluses7 solutal7 solutes7 solvate10 solvent10 solvers10 solving11 ultisol7 unsolid8 entisol7 absolute10 absolved14 absolver13 absolves13 aerosols8 anisoles8 biosolid11 camisole12 consoled11 consoler10 consoles10 cortisol10 creosols10 cytosols13 desolate9 dissolve12 dosology13 entresol8 farnesol11 gasolene9 gasolier9 gasoline9 girasole9 girasols9 girosols9 hydrosol15 insolate8 insolent8 isolable10 isolated9 isolates8 isolator8 isoleads9 isolexes15 isolines8 isologue9 latosols8 lithosol11 mausolea10 mesolite10 midsoles11 misology14 nonsolar8 nonsolid9 nosology12 obsolete10 outsoles8 oversold12 paleosol10 parasols10 pisolite10 pisolith13 planosol10 plimsole12 plimsoll12 plimsols12 podsolic13 posology14 presolve13 regosols9 resolder9 resoling9 resolute8 resolved12 resolver11 resolves11 risoluto8 rissoles8 rosolios8 sassolin8 slipsole10 solacers10 solacing11 solander9 solanine8 solanins8 solanums10 solarise8 solarism10 solarist8 solarium10 solarize17 solating9 solation8 solatium10 soldados10 soldered10 solderer9 soldiers9 soldiery12 solecise10 solecism12 solecist10 solecize19 soleless8 solemner10 solemnly13 soleness8 solenoid9 solerets8 soleuses8 solfeges12 solfeggi13 solicits10 solicity13 solidago10 solidare9 solidary12 solidate9 solidest9 solidify15 solidish12 solidism11 solidist9 solidity12 solidums11 solipeds11 soliquid18 solitary11 solitons8 solitude9 sollared9 solleret8 soloists8 solonets8 solonetz17 solpugid12 solstice10 solubles10 solution8 solutive11 solvable13 solvated12 solvates11 solvency16 solvents11 spodosol11 subsolar10 turnsole8 ultisols8 unsolder9 unsolemn10 unsolved12 vertisol11 absoluter11 absolutes11 absolvent14 absolvers14 absolving15 antisolar9 biosolids12 camisoles13
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