Oxy is valid Scrabble Word

Is oxy a scrabble word?
Official Scrabble Players Dictionary YES
Official Tournament and Club Word List YES
Collins Scrabble Words YES
Is oxy valid Words with Friends?
Words with Friends YES

Definitions for OXY in dictionary:

Words related to OXY

ox9 oxies12

Words that contain OXY

boxy16 coxy16 doxy15 foxy17 poxy16 deoxy16 epoxy17 proxy17 alkoxy20 desoxy17 ethoxy19 oxygen17 oxymel18 peroxy18 epoxyed20 ethoxyl20 hydroxy24 indoxyl18 loxygen18 methoxy22 oxyacid20 oxygens18 oxymels19 oxymora19 oxyntic19 oxyphil22 oxysalt17 oxysome19 oxytone17 phenoxy22 acetoxyl20 cacodoxy23 carboxyl22 epoxying21 ethoxyls21 hydroxyl25 indoxyls19 loxygens19 methoxyl23 nitroxyl18 oxyacids21 oxygenic21 oxymoron20 oxyphile23 oxyphils23 oxysalts18 oxysomes20 oxytocic22 oxytocin20 oxytones18 oxytonic20 oxytrope20 paradoxy21 paroxysm22 pyroxyle23 oxyanion18 acetoxyls21 carboxyls23 hydroxyls26 methoxyls24 monoxylon21 nitroxyls19 orthodoxy23 oxycodone22 oxygenase20 oxygenate20 oxygenise20 oxygenize29 oxygenous20 oxymorons21 oxyphiles24 oxyphilic26 oxytocics23 oxytocins21 oxytropes21 paroxysms23 pyroxyles24 pyroxylic26 pyroxylin24 trioxygen20 xanthoxyl29 zanthoxyl31 oxyanions19 carboxylic26 heterodoxy24 hydroxylic29 monoxylons22 monoxylous22 oxycephaly30 oxycodones23 oxygenases21 oxygenated22 oxygenates21 oxygenator21 oxygenised22 oxygeniser21 oxygenises21 oxygenized31 oxygenizer30 oxygenizes30 oxygenless21 Show more ...
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