Oxer is valid Scrabble Word

Is oxer a scrabble word?
Official Scrabble Players Dictionary YES
Official Tournament and Club Word List YES
Collins Scrabble Words YES
Is oxer valid Words with Friends?
Words with Friends YES

Definitions for OXER in dictionary:

Words related to OXER


Words that contain OXER

boxer14 oxers12 boxers15 beatboxer20 boxercise20 kickboxer28 paradoxer19 beatboxers21 bobbysoxer26 boxercises21 kickboxers29 paradoxers20 phylloxera25 bobbysoxers27 phylloxerae26 phylloxeras26

Similar words containing OX without suffix er

ox9 box12 cox12 fox13 gox11 hox13 lox10 nox10 oxo10 oxy13 pox12 sox10 vox13 wox13 dox11 boxy16 coxa13 coxy16 doxy15 flox14 foxy17 moxa13 oxen11 oxes11 oxic13 oxid12 oxim13 poxy16 boxed15 boxen14 boxer14 boxes14 boxla14 boxty17 coxae14 coxal14 coxed15 coxes14 coxib16 deoxy16 detox13 doxie13 embox16 epoxy17 foxed16 foxes15 foxie15 goxes13 hoxed16 hoxes15 inbox14 loxed13 loxes12 moxas14 moxie14 noxal12 noxes12 oxbow17 oxers12 oxeye15 oxide13 oxids13 oxies12 oxime14 oxims14 oxlip14 oxter12 phlox17 poxed15 poxes14 proxy17 redox13 retox12 toxic14 toxin12 unbox14 voxel15 woxen15 xerox19 doxes13 doxed14 voxes15 alkoxy20 anoxia13 anoxic15 bollox15 boxcar17 boxers15 boxful18 boxier15 boxily18 boxing16 boxlas15 carfox18 cowpox20 coxibs17 coxier15 coxing16 desoxy17 dioxan14 dioxid15 dioxin14 dogfox18 doxies14 ethoxy19 foxier16 foxies16 foxily19 foxing17 hatbox18 haybox21 hotbox18 hoxing17 icebox17 jawbox25 loxing14 lummox17 magnox16 moxies15 muskox19 nitrox13 outbox15 outfox16 oxalic15 oxalis13 oxbows18 oxcart15 oxeyes16 oxford17 oxgang15 oxgate14 oxhead17 oxherd17 oxhide17 oxides14 oxidic16 oximes15 oxland14 oxlike17 oxlips15 oxslip15 oxtail13 oxters13 oxygen17 oxymel18 pegbox18 peroxo15 peroxy18 poxier15 poxing16 skybox22 teabox15 toxics15 toxine13 toxins13 toxoid14 toybox18 volvox19 voxels16 toxify19 doxing15 airprox16 alloxan14 anoxias14 bandbox19 beatbox18 boombox20 botoxed17 boxball18 boxcars18 boxfish22 boxfuls19 boxhaul19 boxiest16 boxings17 boxlike20 boxplot18 boxroom18 boxties16 boxwood20 cakebox22 cashbox21 coalbox18 coxalgy20 coxcomb22 coxiest16 coxitis16 coxless16 detoxed16 detoxes15 digoxin16 dioxane15 dioxans15 dioxide16 dioxids16 dioxins15 emboxed19 emboxes18 epoxide17 epoxied17 epoxies16 epoxyed20 equinox23 ethoxyl20 farebox19 feedbox20 firebox19 flummox21 fowlpox22 foxfire20 foxfish23 foxhole20 foxhunt20 foxiest17 foxings18 foxlike21 foxship22 foxskin21 foxtail17 foxtrot17 fuzzbox37 gearbox17 hellbox19 hydroxy24 hypoxia22 hypoxic24 inboxes16 indoxyl18 jukebox27 kickbox26 listbox16 lockbox22 loxygen18 mailbox18 methoxy22 noxious14 oxalate14 oxazine23 oxazole23 oxblood17 oxcarts16 oxfords18 oxgangs16 oxgates15 oxheads18 oxheart17 oxherds18 oxhides18 oxidant15 oxidase15 oxidate15 oxidise15 oxidize24 oxlands15 oxonium16 oxslips16 oxtails14 oxtered15 oxyacid20 oxygens18 oxymels19 oxymora19 oxyntic19 oxyphil22 oxysalt17 oxysome19 oxytone17 paradox17 peroxid17 phenoxy22 phloxes19 pillbox18 poorbox18 postbox18 poxiest16 princox18 proxies16 proximo18 redoxes15 retoxed15 retoxes14 saltbox16 sandbox17 seedbox17 shoebox19 showbox22 soapbox18 sonovox17 talkbox20 toolbox16 toxemia16 toxemic18 toxical16 toxines14 toxoids15 trioxid15 tuckbox22 unboxed17 unboxes16 woodbox20
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