Osteal is valid Scrabble Word

Is osteal a scrabble word?
Official Scrabble Players Dictionary YES
Official Tournament and Club Word List YES
Collins Scrabble Words YES
Is osteal valid Words with Friends?
Words with Friends YES

Definitions for OSTEAL in dictionary:

Words that contain OSTEAL

endosteal10 periosteal12 endosteally15

Similar words containing OSTE without suffix al

coste7 moste7 costed9 coster8 costes8 foster9 goster7 hosted10 hostel9 ostent6 posted9 poster8 rosted7 roster6 zoster15 boosted10 booster9 costean9 costers9 fosters10 frosted11 ghosted12 gosters8 hostels10 hostess10 mostest9 ostents7 osteoid8 osteoma9 posteen9 postern9 posters9 riposte9 roosted8 rooster7 rosters7 zosters16 accosted13 boosters10 cohosted14 costeans10 endostea9 fostered12 fosterer11 frosteds12 gostered10 hosteled12 hosteler11 hostelry14 imposted13 imposter12 mostests10 osteitic10 osteitis8 ostented9 osteogen9 osteoids9 osteomas10 osteoses8 osteosis8 posteens10 postered11 posterns10 reposted11 riposted11 ripostes10 roosters8 rostella8 rostered9 unposted11 urostege9 allostery12 cohostess14 composted16 composter15 costeaned12 defrosted14 defroster13 disposted13 endosteal10 endosteum12 flyposter17 fosterage13 fosterers12 fostering13 gostering11 hostelers12 hosteling13 hostelled13 hosteller12 hostessed13 hostesses12 imposters13 isosteric11 monostele11 monostely14 ostensive12 ostensory12 ostenting10 osteocyte14 osteoderm12 osteogens10 osteogeny13 osteology13 osteomata11 osteopath14 osteotome11 osteotomy14 periostea11 postering12 posterior11 posterise11 posterity14 posterize20 prosterna11 rostellar9 rostellum11 rostering10 sostenuti9 sostenuto9 unroosted10 urosteges10 viosterol12 zoosterol18 unghosted14 agrostemma15 allosteric12 billposter14 boosterish15 boosterism14 coenosteum14 composters16 costeaning13 defrosters14 ergosterol11 eriostemon12 flyposters18 fosterages14 fosterings14 fosterling14 gynostemia16 hectostere15 holosteric15 hostelings14 hostellers13 hostelling14 hostelries13 hostessing14 mangosteen13 monosteles12 monostelic14 osteitides11 osteitises10 ostensible12 ostensibly15 ostensoria10 osteoblast12 osteoclast12 osteocolla12 osteocytes15 osteoderms13 osteogenic13 osteopaths15 osteopathy18 osteophyte18 osteosises10 osteotomes12 overposted16 periosteal12 periosteum14 posteriors12 posterised13 posterises12 posterized22 posterizes21 postexilic21 prosternum14 protostele12 rostellate10 rostellums12 rosterings11 signposted14 sitosterol10 sostenutos10 teleostean10 unfostered14 urostegite11 viosterols13 wallposter15 zoosterols19 agrostemmas16 aldosterone12 allosteries11 billposters15 boosterisms15 coenosteums15 cohostessed17 cohostesses16 coprosterol15 costeanings14 dictyostele17 endosteally15 ergosterols12 eriostemons13 fosterlings15 gynostemium19 hectosteres16 hostellings15 ketosteroid16 mangosteens14 monostelies13 ostensively17 ostensories11 ostensorium13 ostentation11 osteoblasts13 osteoclases13 osteoclasis13 osteoclasts13 osteocollas13 osteodermal14 osteodermic16 osteogenies12 osteogenous12 osteography20 osteologies12 osteologist12 osteopathic18 osteophytes19 osteophytic21 osteoplasty16 osteotomies13 paternoster13 phytosterol19 postediting15 posteriorly16 posterising14 posterities13 posterizing23 postexilian20 prosternums15 protosteles13 protostelic15 sitosterols11 teleosteans11 urostegites12 wallposters16 fosteringly18 agrostemmata17 aldosterones13 androsterone13 cohostessing18 coprosterols16 costermonger17 dictyosteles18 isostemonous14 ketosteroids17 osteichthyan23 ostentations12 ostentatious12 osteoblastic16 osteoclastic16 osteodermous15 osteogeneses13 osteogenesis13 osteogenetic15 osteological15 osteologists13 osteomalacia16 osteomalacic18 osteopathies17 osteopathist17 osteoplastic16 osteoporoses14 osteoporosis14 osteoporotic16 osteosarcoma16 paternosters14 phytosterols20 posteditings16 postelection16 posteriority17 posteruptive19 postexercise23 postexposure23 preposterous16 renosterveld16 siphonostele17 snollygoster16 testosterone12 aldosteronism16 androsterones14 costermongers18 osteichthyans24 ostensibility18 osteofibroses18 osteofibrosis18 osteographies19 osteomalacial17 osteomalacias17
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