Nonloving is valid Scrabble Word

Is nonloving a scrabble word?
Official Scrabble Players Dictionary NO
Official Tournament and Club Word List YES
Collins Scrabble Words YES
Is nonloving valid Words with Friends?
Words with Friends NO

Definitions for NONLOVING in dictionary:

Similar words containing LOV without suffix ing and without prefix non

love7 clove10 glove9 lovat8 loved9 lover8 loves8 lovey11 lovie8 slove8 belove11 cloven11 clover11 cloves11 clovis11 gloved11 glover10 gloves10 lovage10 lovats9 lovely12 lovers9 loveys12 lovier9 lovies9 loving10 plover11 sloven9 unlove9 allover10 beloved13 beloves12 clovers12 clovery15 glovers11 gloving12 hellova13 lovable12 lovably15 lovages11 lovebug13 lovered11 loverly13 loviest10 lovings11 outlove10 pavlova15 plovers12 plovery15 slovens10 unglove11 unloved11 unloves10 allovers11 beloveds14 beloving14 bloviate13 boilover13 clovered14 failover14 foxglove22 glovebox21 glovings13 kidglove17 kilovolt15 ladylove15 loveable13 loveably16 lovebird14 lovebite13 lovebugs14 lovefest14 loveless11 lovelier11 lovelies11 lovelily14 lovelock17 lovelorn11 loveseat11 lovesick17 lovesome13 lovevine14 lovingly15 outloved12 outloves11 overlove14 pavlovas16 preloved14 pullover13 rollover11 slovenly14 slovenry14 truelove11 uncloven13 ungloved13 ungloves12 unlovely14 unloving12 aciclovir16 acyclovir19 bloviated15 bloviates14 boilovers14 dataglove14 failovers15 filovirus15 foxgloves23 gloveless13 kilovolts16 ladyloves16 lovebirds15 lovebites14 lovefests15 loveliest12 lovelight16 lovelocks18 lovemaker18 loverless12 loveseats12 lovevines15 outloving13 overloved16 overloves15 paloverde15 pullovers14 rollovers12 spillover14 trueloves12 unbeloved15 ungloving14 unlovable14 clovepink20 glovelike17 ploverier14 cloverier14 aciclovirs17 acyclovirs20 bloviating16 bloviation15 cloverleaf18 datagloves15 gloveboxes23 lovability18 lovastatin13 lovelessly16 lovelights17 lovelihead17 loveliness13 lovemakers19 lovemaking20 lovestruck19 loveworthy22 lovingness14 overloving17 paloverdes16 slovenlier13 slovenlike17 slovenries13 spillovers15 unloveable15 unlovelier13 unlovingly17 clovepinks21 cloverlike19 ploveriest15 cloveriest15 baculovirus18 bloviations16 clovergrass17 cloverleafs19 filoviruses17 lovableness16 lovastatins14 loveability19 loveliheads18 lovemakings21 slovenliest14 unloveliest14 unloverlike18 ganciclovir19 cloverleaves20 lovabilities17 loveableness17 lovelessness15 lovelinesses15 lovelornness15 lovesickness21 loveworthies21 lovingnesses16 slovenliness15 unloveliness15 unlovingness16 ganciclovirs20 loveworthier21 baculoviruses20 clovergrasses19 lovablenesses18 loveabilities18 loveworthiest22 loveablenesses19 lovelessnesses17 lovelornnesses17 lovesicknesses23 slovenlinesses17 unlovelinesses17 unlovingnesses18 cytomegalovirus26 cytomegaloviruses28
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