Nerval is valid Scrabble Word

Is nerval a scrabble word?
Official Scrabble Players Dictionary NO
Official Tournament and Club Word List NO
Collins Scrabble Words YES
Is nerval valid Words with Friends?
Words with Friends NO

Definitions for NERVAL in dictionary:

Words related to NERVAL


How to use NERVAL in a sentence

Similar words containing NERV without suffix al

nerve8 nervy11 enerve9 nerved10 nerver9 nerves9 enerved11 enerves10 innerve10 nervate10 nervers10 nervier10 nervily13 nervine10 nerving11 nervous10 nervule10 nervure10 unnerve10 enervate11 enerving12 innerved12 innerves11 nervelet11 nerviest11 nervines11 nervings12 nervular11 nervules11 nervures11 unnerved12 unnerves11 binervate14 denervate13 enervated13 enervates12 enervator12 innervate12 innerving13 nervation12 nervature12 nerveless12 nervelets12 nerviness12 nervosity15 nervously15 unnerving13 denervated15 denervates14 enervating14 enervation13 enervative16 enervators13 innervated14 innervates13 nervations13 nervatures13 denervating16 denervation15 enervations14 innervating15 innervation14 nervelessly17 nervinesses14 nervosities14 nervousness14 nervuration14 reinnervate14 unnervingly18 denervations16 innervations15 nervurations15 reinnervated16 reinnervates15 enervatingly19 nervelessness16 nervousnesses16 reinnervating17 reinnervation16 reinnervations17 nervelessnesses18 hyperinnervatio26 hyperinnervation27 hyperinnervations28
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