Neg is valid Scrabble Word

Is neg a scrabble word?
Official Scrabble Players Dictionary YES
Official Tournament and Club Word List YES
Collins Scrabble Words YES
Is neg valid Words with Friends?
Words with Friends NO

Definitions for NEG in dictionary:

Words related to NEG


Words that contain NEG

negs5 negro6 negus6 fanega10 manege9 negate7 nonego7 renege7 senega7 donegal9 fanegas11 maneged11 maneges10 negated9 negater8 negates8 negaton8 negator8 neglect10 neglige9 negress8 negroes8 negroid9 negroni8 neguses8 nonegos8 reneged9 reneger8 reneges8 renegue8 senegas8 vinegar11 abnegate11 canegrub13 danegeld11 danegelt10 donegals10 fanegada13 maneging12 negaters9 negating10 negation9 negative12 negatons9 negators9 negatory12 negatron9 neglects11 negligee10 negliges10 negroids10 negroism11 negronis9 panegyry17 renegade10 renegado10 renegate9 renegers9 reneging10 renegued10 reneguer9 renegues9 vinegars12 vinegary15 abnegated13 abnegates12 abnegator12 canegrubs14 cynegetic17 danegelds12 danegelts11 fanegadas14 negations10 negatived14 negatives13 negatrons10 neglected13 neglecter12 neglector12 negligees11 negligent11 negociant12 negotiant10 negotiate10 negresses10 negritude11 negrohead14 negroidal11 negroisms12 negrophil15 panegoism14 panegyric17 renegaded12 renegades11 renegados11 renegates10 reneguers10 reneguing11 vinegared14 wineglass13 abnegating14 Show more ...
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