Monocles is valid Scrabble Word

Is monocles a scrabble word?
Official Scrabble Players Dictionary YES
Official Tournament and Club Word List YES
Collins Scrabble Words YES
Is monocles valid Words with Friends?
Words with Friends YES

Definitions for MONOCLES in dictionary:

Words related to MONOCLES


How to use MONOCLES in a sentence

Similar words containing CLE without suffix s and without prefix mono

clef9 cleg7 clem8 clew9 ancle7 clean7 clear7 cleat7 cleck13 cleek11 cleep9 clefs10 cleft10 clegs8 cleik11 clems9 clepe9 clept9 clerk11 cleve10 clews10 cycle12 incle7 macle9 socle7 uncle7 ycled11 ancles8 boucle10 chicle13 circle10 cleans8 clears8 cleats8 cleave11 cleche13 clecks14 clecky17 cleeks12 cleeps10 cleeve11 clefts11 cleiks12 clench13 cleome10 cleped11 clepes10 clergy12 cleric10 clerid9 clerks12 cleuch13 cleugh12 clever11 cleves11 clevis11 clewed12 cycled14 cycler13 cycles13 icicle10 incles8 macled11 macles10 mascle10 muscle10 nuclei8 nuncle8 oracle8 raucle8 sclera8 sclere8 siecle8 socles8 uncled9 uncles8 unclew11 yclept13 giclee9 article9 auricle9 bicycle16 binocle11 bouclee11 boucles11 calicle11 calycle14 cenacle11 chicles14 circled12 circler11 circles11 circlet11 cleaned10 cleaner9 cleanly12 cleanse9 cleanup11 cleared10 clearer9 clearly12 cleated10 cleaved13 cleaver12 cleaves12 clecked16 cleeked14 cleekit13 cleeped12 cleeves12 clefted13 clement11 clemmed14 cleomes11 cleping12 clerics11 clerids10 clerisy12 clerked14 clerkly16 cleruch14 cleuchs14 cleughs13 clewing13 coracle11 cubicle13 cuticle11 cyclers14 cyclery17 debacle12 funicle12 icicled12 icicles11 manacle11 mascled12 mascles11 miracle11 monocle11 muscled12 muscles11 muscley14 nucleal9 nuclear9 nucleic11 nuclein9 nucleon9 nucleus9 nuncles9 opuscle11 oracled10 oracles9 ossicle9 panicle11 pedicle12 pinocle11 radicle10 raucler9 reclean9 recycle14 reticle9 sacless9 sanicle9 sclerae9 scleral9 scleras9 scleres9 siecles9 silicle9 treacle9 tunicle9 unclean9 unclear9 uncleft12 unclews12 upcycle16 utricle9 vehicle15 vesicle12 wavicle15 ycleepe14 ycleped15 arbuscle12 articled11 articles10 auricled11 auricles10 barnacle12 bernicle12 beuncled13 bicycled18 bicycler17 bicycles17 binnacle12 binocles12 bioclean12 biocycle17 bittacle12 bouclees12 calicles12 calycled16 calycles15 canticle12 caruncle12 caudicle13 caulicle12 cenacles12 circlers12 circlets12 clavicle15 cleaners10 cleanest10 cleaning11 cleanish13 cleanout10 cleansed11 cleanser10 cleanses10 cleanups12 clearage11 clearcut12 clearers10 clearest10 clearing11 clearout10 clearway16 cleating11 cleavage14 cleavers13 cleaving14 cleckier16 clecking17 cleeking15 cleeping13 clefting14 cleidoic13 clematis12 clemency17 clemming15 clenched16 clencher15 clenches15 clergies11 clerical12 clerihew16 clerkdom17 clerkess14 clerking15 clerkish17 cleruchs15 cleruchy18 cleveite13 cleverer13 cleverly16 clevises13 coenacle12 coracles12 cornicle12 cubicles14 curricle12 cuticles12 cyclecar17 cycleway21 debacles13 denticle11 discless11 ecclesia12 eclectic14 encircle12 epicycle17 fascicle15 follicle13 funicles13 furuncle13 homuncle15 lenticle10 manacled13 manacles12 miracles12 monocled13 monticle12 nuclease10 nucleate10 nucleide11 nucleins10 nucleoid11 nucleole10 nucleoli10 nucleons10 obstacle12 opuscles12 ossicles10 panicled13 panicles12 pannicle12 particle12 pedicled14 pedicles13 peduncle13 pellicle12 pendicle13
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