Misdoes is valid Scrabble Word

Is misdoes a scrabble word?
Official Scrabble Players Dictionary YES
Official Tournament and Club Word List YES
Collins Scrabble Words YES
Is misdoes valid Words with Friends?
Words with Friends YES

Definitions for MISDOES in dictionary:

Words related to MISDOES

misdid10 misdo8 misdoing12 misdone10

Similar words containing DOE without suffix s and without prefix mis

doe4 doek9 doen5 doer5 does5 doeks10 doers6 doest6 doeth9 dadoed9 dadoes8 didoes8 dildoe8 dodoes8 eddoes8 redoes7 undoer7 undoes7 condoes10 dildoes9 doeskin12 fordoes11 kiddoes13 misdoer10 outdoer8 outdoes8 saddoes9 spadoes10 undoers8 waldoes11 albedoes11 doeskins13 evildoer12 foredoes12 fumadoes14 misdoers11 outdoers9 overdoer12 overdoes12 tuxedoed17 tuxedoes16 weirdoes12 welldoer12 avocadoes15 bravadoed16 bravadoes15 crusadoes12 cruzadoes21 endoergic13 evildoers13 gambadoed16 gambadoes15 mockadoes18 overdoers13 passadoes12 pintadoes12 poinadoes12 privadoes15 soldadoes11 tornadoes10 torpedoed13 torpedoer12 torpedoes12 underdoer11 underdoes11 welldoers13 wrongdoer14 camisadoes15 commandoes17 endoenzyme25 escaladoes13 escapadoes15 fricandoes16 innuendoed12 innuendoes11 palisadoed14 palisadoes13 poignadoes14 renegadoes12 stampedoed16 sticcadoes15 stoccadoes15 torpedoers13 underdoers12 wrongdoers15 ambuscadoes18 barricadoed17 barricadoes16 bastinadoed15 bastinadoes14 carbonadoed17 carbonadoes16 crescendoed17 crescendoes16 desperadoes15 endoenzymes26 reformadoes17 strappadoed17 strappadoes16 diminuendoes16 Show more ...
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