Meri is valid Scrabble Word

Is meri a scrabble word?
Official Scrabble Players Dictionary NO
Official Tournament and Club Word List NO
Collins Scrabble Words YES
Is meri valid Words with Friends?
Words with Friends NO

Definitions for MERI in dictionary:

  • (Maori) a war-club
  • Māori war club
  • Māori war club

Words related to MERI


Words that contain MERI

meril7 meris7 merit7 humeri11 merils8 mering9 merino8 merism10 merits8 armeria9 demerit10 dimeric12 emeried10 emeries9 emerita9 emeriti9 gomeril10 homeric14 merings10 merinos9 merises9 merisis9 merisms11 merited10 numeric11 almeries10 armerias10 chimeric17 chimerid16 demerits11 dimerise11 dimerism13 dimerize20 emeritae10 emeritas10 emeritus10 epimeric14 eumerism12 gomerils11 homering14 isomeric12 krameria14 limerick16 mericarp14 meridian11 merimake16 meringue11 meristem12 meristic12 meriting11 mesmeric14 numerics12 plumeria12 temerity13 trimeric12 turmeric12 vomerine13 allomeric13 americium15 antimeric13 chimerids17 chimerism18 cimmerian15 demerited13 dimerised13 dimerises12 dimerisms14 dimerized22 dimerizes21 ectomeric15 ephemerid17 ephemeris16 epimerise13 epimerism15 epimerize22 eumerisms13 farmeries14 gemmeries14 hammering17 isomerise11 isomerism13 isomerize20 kramerias15 latimeria11 limericks17 mammering16 mericarps15 meridians12 merimakes17 meringues12 meristems13 meritless11 mesmerise13 mesmerism15 mesmerist13 mesmerize22 metameric15 monomeric15 mummeries15 mummering16 numerical13 Show more ...

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