Lumper is valid Scrabble Word

Is lumper a scrabble word?
Official Scrabble Players Dictionary YES
Official Tournament and Club Word List YES
Collins Scrabble Words YES
Is lumper valid Words with Friends?
Words with Friends YES

Definitions for LUMPER in dictionary:

Words related to LUMPER

lumpers11 stevedore13

Words that contain LUMPER

clumper13 lumpers11 plumper13 clumpers14 plumpers14 clumpered16 clumpering17

Similar words containing LUMP without suffix er

lump8 clump11 flump12 lumps9 lumpy12 plump11 slump9 clumps12 clumpy15 flumps13 glumps11 glumpy14 lumped11 lumpen10 lumpia10 plumps12 plumpy15 shlump13 slumps10 slumpy13 clumped14 clumper13 clumpet13 flumped15 galumph15 lumpens11 lumpers11 lumpias11 lumpier11 lumpily14 lumping12 lumpish14 lumpkin15 plumped14 plumpen13 plumper13 plumpie13 plumply16 schlump16 shlumps14 shlumpy17 slumped12 clumpers14 clumpets14 clumpier14 clumping15 clumpish17 flumping16 gallumph16 galumphs16 glumpier13 glumpily16 glumpish16 kalumpit16 lumpenly15 lumpfish18 lumpiest12 lumpkins16 plumpens14 plumpers14 plumpest14 plumpier14 plumping15 plumpish17 schlumps17 schlumpy20 shlumped16 slumpier12 slumping13 clumpiest15 clumplike19 gallumphs17 galumphed18 galumpher17 glumpiest14 kalumpits17 lumpiness13 lumpingly17 lumpishly19 plumpened16 plumpiest15 plumpness15 schlumped19 shlumpier16 shlumping17 slumpiest13 clumpered16 clumpiness16 gallumphed19 galumphers18 galumphing19 lumpectomy21 lumpfishes20 lumpsucker20 plumpening17 schlumpier19 schlumping20 shlumpiest17 clumpering17 gallumphing20 lumpinesses15 lumpishness18 lumpsuckers21 plumpnesses17 schlumpiest20 clumpinesses18 lumpectomies20 slumpflation19 lumpishnesses20 slumpflations20 slumpflationary25 lumpenproletari21 lumpenproletariat23 lumpenproletariats24
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