Looing is valid Scrabble Word

Is looing a scrabble word?
Official Scrabble Players Dictionary YES
Official Tournament and Club Word List YES
Collins Scrabble Words YES
Is looing valid Words with Friends?
Words with Friends YES

Definitions for LOOING in dictionary:

Words related to LOOING

loo3 looed6 loos4

Words that contain LOOING

hallooing13 hollooing13 hullooing13 boogalooing15

Similar words containing LOO without suffix ing

loo3 aloo4 loof7 look8 loom6 loon4 loop6 loor4 loos4 loot4 agloo6 aloof8 aloos5 baloo7 blood8 blook11 bloom9 bloop9 cloop9 cloot7 flood9 floor8 gloom8 gloop8 igloo6 kloof12 looby10 looed6 looey8 loofa8 loofs8 looie5 looks9 looky12 looms7 loons5 loony8 loops7 loopy10 loord6 loose5 loots5 plook11 sloom7 sloop7 sloot5 abloom10 agloos7 baloos8 bloods9 bloody12 blooey11 blooie8 blooks12 blooms10 bloomy13 bloops10 bloopy13 cloops10 cloots8 floods10 flooey12 flooie9 floors9 floosy12 floozy21 galoot7 glooms9 gloomy12 gloops9 gloopy12 halloo9 holloo9 hulloo9 igloos7 klooch15 kloofs13 looeys9 loofah12 loofas9 looies6 looked11 looker10 lookie10 lookit10 lookup12 loomed9 looney9 loonie6 looped9 looper8 loords7 loosed7 loosen6 looser6 looses6 loosie6 looted7 looten6 looter6 Show more ...
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